SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Will Not Load Complete Library - Then Stops Completely

Please help!

I recently purchased Jaikoz to help organize my music library. For the first couple of weeks it was fine, loaded all 30,000+ songs and made thousands of modifications.

The last two days now, I can’t get it to load the entire library, it stops somewhere around 24,000. It becomes so unresponsive that I have to Force Quit it. I did try loading just a few folders but it still starts to come to a crawl.

I did see in the forums that something similar happened to another guy and he adjusted a memory setting but I’m on a MAC, I have no idea if or how that can be done on here.

My system is MBP, running OSX 10.4, 4GB RAM, 2.4 cpu. I have rebooted a million times, I deleted Jaikoz and ran the .dmg again but that didn’t help. My resources aren’t low when it happens, everything looks normal.

Any ideas?? Thanks for any assistance…

Had you installed a new version somewhere between the time it loaded the complete library and when it stopped working?

If so, had you modified the .plist file to change the amount of memory it used with the previous version?

Remember, every time you download a new version and install it, you have to go back and edit that .plist file.

It’s a pain I know and I have often forgotten too, but it’s one of those quirks of Java.

Hi and Thanks for the reply.

No, I am using the same version, I just downloaded it a few weeks ago and haven’t thought about looking for an update yet.

However, I did find and open my …jaikoz.plist file. I see my HDD listed in there under the NSNavOutlineColumnSettings… with {518,400} but that doesn’t like memory/cache settings - probably for column settings, not memory. Am I looking at the right file? What do you normally change yours to? Do you have same line or am I missing something?

Sorry for newbie stuff, still trying to pick up on this. Thanks

Thats alot of songs to load without modifying memory, instructions for setting memory on Mac are here

Hi and Thanks!

I changed the Xms setting from 150 to 500 and the MaxPerf from 150 to 300 but no change, it gets stuck at 24,xxx each time.

Remember this has been working for the past few weeks and then, with no changes or updates, it started this condition.

Is there anything else I can try? Thanks

Hi ,oops there is a bug in the help you need to change Xmx NOT Xms but please send your support files as well (Advanced/Create Support FIles) if it still doesnt work after doing this.

I tried but no luck, I sent my support files off to Jaikoz for review. Thanks for the help…

Does anyone have an idea about how long it takes Jaikoz support to get back with customers? Does anyone else have any ideas on this issue? Thanks

I replied via email, from the logs it appears you hadn’t in fact modified the memory allocated. Because your songs contain more information now then when you originally started with Jaikoz more memory is required to load them.

Thanks for the reply. Please tell me what I am doing wrong. I followed the instructions as they were written, how can I change it and how can I verify it has been changed? Thanks


The help file explai how to modify the memory settings for your OS
then its easy to verify from within Jaikoz

Start Jaikoz
Ensure View/Show Detail Pane is selected
Go to the console tab and scroll back to the first line, the first two lines should be something like

May 5, 2010 8:28:18 PM: INFO: Jaikoz 3.5.1 using Java 1.6.0_19 16.2-b04-265 32bit on Mac OS X 10.6.3 i386 initialized successfully 
May 5, 2010 8:28:18 PM: INFO: Jaikoz has been configured with minimum heap memory of 150 mb, maximum heap memory of 496 mb and maximum permanent memory of 150 mb

The second line shows the memory configuration


What does MaxPermSize control?

-Xms150m -Xmx500m -XX:MaxPermSize=150m



Hey RPM,

Read this thread (

Should be pretty informational.