SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Why is the absurd memory usage issue still not fixed?

OK, I purchased the “full” version of Jaikoz a couple years ago with free upgrades and even paid the upgrade license tax because old versions had too many bugs and the newer version is crippled without paying for the pro version. And by “pro” I mean the software version made by professionals for professionals, which surely ought to be adequate for an amateur hobby collector of music such as myself.

Now here I am with a modest collection of 70,000 mp3s - not that large compared to many people I know. I’ve searched the forums and I acknowledge that you admit Jaikoz is not designed for this much music. I surely do not have a professional number of songs. I’m being snarky because now you have my money and I have software that doesn’t work.

Consider this scenario: I run the Jaikoz executable under Windows 7 64-bit & 64-bit java on a quad-core machine with 4 GB of RAM, load less than 1/10 of the songs I have (7,000) and initiate autocorrect. Jaikoz uses 900 MB of RAM, takes more than 24 hours to make it through that many tracks, and bails before it finishes the Discogs task without even allowing me to save the edits it had made so far. The only option is to restart.

So I diligently edit the batch file and I’m able to process my 7,000 track sample in a couple days of continuous lookups, thinking: I guess what he means by professional is that you need to be a professional java software engineer to get this software working. I allow 2 GB max, then 3 GB, then 4GB, increase the MaxPermSize, and still even with Jaikoz using 3 GB of memory on my machine continuously, I can’t even find duplicates in a 70,000 song collection. On the other hand, the deprecated MusicIP MusicMagicWhateverMixer from 5 years ago can analyze, match, and find duplicates without any trouble at all: java version and native windows versions. So you’re doing something wrong!

Why are you still storing all meta-data in RAM? Why don’t you just use a database like every other sane software developer in Earth who has to manipulate this much data? This software design is completely unscalable and out of the box can’t even process 7,000 tracks. There’s nothing bizarre about my situation. I’m disappointed and expected better from this software two years and $45 later.

Please…it’s not too much to ask that we be able to load a modest music collection. Hell, even 7,000 tracks is too much for Jaikoz to handle without puking all over itself. I’d be happy to support you further if you can deliver a decent product. So get to work.

Money talks!

Patient to doctor: “Doctor it hurts when I do dat”

Doctor to Patient: “then don’t do dat”

Have you considered asking first and then accusing. I believe he brought this up in one of the forums a little while ago.

[quote=laklare]OK, I purchased the “full” version of Jaikoz a couple years ago with free upgrades and even paid the upgrade license tax because old versions had too many bugs and the newer version is crippled without paying for the pro version.
Hi, you misunderstood the upgrade license here, you can use the very latest version of Jaikoz with the latest fixes without paying for an upgrade. Upgrade is only to remove the existing 5,000 Discogs limit or to use a a locakl Musicbrainz Server with no rate limiting

Now here I am with a modest collection of 70,000 mp3s - not that large compared to many people I know. I’ve searched the forums and I acknowledge that you admit Jaikoz is not designed for this much music. I surely do not have a professional number of songs. I’m being snarky because now you have my money and I have software that doesn’t work.

Please…it’s not too much to ask that we be able to load a modest music collection. Hell, even 7,000 tracks is too much for Jaikoz to handle without puking all over itself. I’d be happy to support you further if you can deliver a decent product. So get to work.[/quote]

7,000 tracks should be fine with default settings, send me your support files in case you are hitting a bug somewhere, and if you have Pro version then there is no Discogs limit so dont understand that problem.

But yes i wish I had built Jaikoz to read/write data to database and only hold a small subset in memory from the start. This problem will be resolved but unfortunately with the myriad of forced changes I have had to make this year such as Musicbrainz ->Musicbrainz NGS, Discogs v1 -> Discogs v2 and AmplifIND -> AcoustId and the complexity involved in changing the Jaikoz design the change keeps getting pushed further back.

For your reference, I was able to autocorrect, find duplicates, and reorganize 70,000 tracks by upgrading to 8 GB of RAM. Java was using about 6.5 GB and it crashed often, but it did finish eventually. Took a many, many hours. Hundreds probably.

Alot of work was done in Jaikoz 4.5.3 to reduce memory usage, it uses about 30% less on loading files, and much less additional memory whilst autocorrecting. Also note that if you allocate a Java program 8GB it won’t rush to garbage collect its memory used when it is below that 8GB level so I expect if you had allocated alot less memory (i.e 2GB) it would have still worked.

Ok, thanks for putting your attention on this issue.