SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Where to Start ?

Hey! Thanks for the forum…
I have apprx 15,000 songs that I had just finished organizing on my Mac. (took me 6 months!) Like an idiot, without backing up, I took a friends’ advice and clicked the box for my iTunes to organize my music folder. Somehow, all 15K songs, whick were organized by Artist, then Album, became a single folder with 15,000 songs in it listed seperately (alphabetically by name, no listing of artist!).

So, I just purchased your program. Now where do I start?

Can I import all 15K songs at once, Or do I have to do it a little at a time (like 15 runs of 1000 songs)?

If the latter, how will the artist/album folders merge once I save and copy to my external hard drive?

Thanks for your help =)

[quote=munkeyluv]Hey! Thanks for the forum…
I have apprx 15,000 songs that I had just finished organizing on my Mac. (took me 6 months!) Like an idiot, without backing up, I took a friends’ advice and clicked the box for my iTunes to organize my music folder. Somehow, all 15K songs, whick were organized by Artist, then Album, became a single folder with 15,000 songs in it listed seperately (alphabetically by name, no listing of artist!).
The bigger question is why iTunes has organized your files as it has.

In Jaikoz to just correct the folder structure you need to:
-Load your files
-Display the Base Folder and Sub Folder Columns
-Jaikoz will autofix the value in subfolder when you run Action/File And Folder Correct/Correct SubFolders from Tags so check that the split between Base Folder and Sub Folder is correct. If not you can adjust it by selecting Action/File And Folder Correct/Shift Base Folder to Folder and Action/File And Folder Correct/Shift Sub Folder to Base Folder
-Run Action/File And Folder Correct/Correct SubFolders from Tags
-Run Save Changes

… but you probably want to get your files metadata in the best shape first, so the easiest way to do this for good results is to run Action/Autocorrect first.

if you increase the memory setings as specified in the Manual you probably can but I would limit to sets of 5000 to start. In fact I would advise you try out Jaikoz on a few albums and make sure you understand how its work before going any further, you dont want any more accidents !

This depends on the memory you have. All othe things is up to you. Configure and Jaikoz does what you will.
For example at the folder correction, i have the string:

This gives me a folder structure like artist/album/

For filename the string:

artist - album - trackno - title

Make a plan how you want it and ask again. Make a backup before you start :wink:

Edit:Sorry Munkeylov i accidently overwrote your message, that asked about merging folders

If you are running Correct SubFolders from Tags , and the tags for all songs by Jimi Hendrix have the correct artist and album they are going to end up in the same subfolder aren’t they - no problem.

(If they were coming from a different location such as C: and D: drives then you could you use Save and Move to put them all in the same place whilst preserving subfolder structure but I dont think you have this problem.)

But you get slightly better autocorrect results if all songs from an album are available in one session so after doing the initial autocorrect/rename/save on 15,000 ofl your files I would do it again and the second run will improve the results because it be more likley to be loading complete albums (because the artist/album will have been created and folders are loaded alphabetically)