SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Where does SongKong write its output file? Can I specify where it should go?

Where does SongKong output its updated file? How do I tell SongKong where I want the output file to go?
I’m a Windows 10 user. My music file is a Naim Uniti Core SSD with 3 tb capacity. I have the Melxo software. I I’m trying to input around 20,000 records info SongKong and I’ve run into several problems.

  1. I can figure out where SongKong writes its output file.

  2. can I specify an output name and location? How?

  3. how does one handle file records that exceed the maximum of 256 characters allowed in Windows?


  1. SongKong modifies the files directly.
  2. You can rename files using the Rename Files task, but not copy files
  3. Not a problem for saving to existing to files, not an issue for SongKong

I think it’s an issue for me. My input file is the SSD holding all my ripped music in the Naim Uniti Core. If your program writes its output to this file, it will corrupt the NAIM WAV metadata and make it unusable.

So I tried to copy this file and ran into album titles that were too long to copy and that aborted the copy. I feel stuck. I don’t dare let SongKong overwrite my Naim file and I can’t copy it. I don’ t know what to do to provide input to SongKong.

Unless I’m misunderstanding your reply, I think it would be very useful to be able to name and specify a file location for SongKong’s output. Then I could safely input the Naim WAV file,

Why will it will corrupt the metadata (there is no existing metadata in the Wav files ripped by Naim anyway) ?
Naim will just ignore metadata added to the file itself it should not cause problems.

Your problem is trying to use Windows to copy files that are not on a Windows computer and have a filename not compatible with Windows. Are there not any options on Naim itself to copy or backup and restore the files?

You mean a copy action, that may be useful for a few customers. But I’m afraid we don’t currently have that option, and I am sure there is away you can get round this by copying your Naim files some other way, perhaps you should ask on the Naim forum.

Here is what I did and what I have learned:

I fed all my my music rips from the Naim Uniti Core into Roon and then into Song Kong. I was afraid to run my Naim records directly into Song Kong because it appears the output from Song Kong overlays the Naim input file. I can’t allow that. So I tried copying the Naim File so I could feed the copy to SK. That did not work because there were records that Windows could not process because the name field was not long enough.

The result was that Song Kong processed all but one record. But the output to Roon has at least one major bug and it cannot be fixed by editing. It is clearly a software bug. I’m sending some examples below, but first I’ll try to explain what has gone wrong. Sometimes Song Kong creates an extra album with just one track in it. It processes disc 1 and gets Track 1 from somewhere and then follows correctly with the remaining tracks. Then it creates a 2nd disk and puts one track on the disc. There are seemingly hundreds of this error occurring. Yet it doesn’t seem to happen in every case. Sometimes it happens with one album that becomes two. Sometimes a 2-disc album becomes three and so on.

Examples follow.

  1. A 2 disc CD becomes three. There is a two disc set of Sandor Konya on Naim, which is correct. But Roon shows three discs. Disc 1 seems correct judging from the track information. However Disc 2 contains only Track One and Disc 3 contains the rest of the tracks from Disc 2.

Thanks for support files.

What you need to realize about Roon is that it doesn’t just display the metadata contents of your files. Instead it uses the existing metadata to try and match your albums to its album database and then having done that then displays the information from its database. Only if it cannot identify the album does it just display the album metadata.

So its not clear from your Roon screenshot if the album has been identified by Roon or not, within Roon you can filter identified from unidentified

But if I look at your SongKong report and your Sandor Konya example, you only seem to have one folder for Sandor Konya

and that is correctly matched to disc 1 of the album for all 21 songs

So when you say its over three discs can you find out the location of the files matched to disc 2 and 3, are they coming from the R:\Storage\InternalStorage\From Unity\Sandor Konya\The Art Of Sandor Konya folder or somewhere else ?

If you look at the album in normal player that just displays the metadata as is what does it display?

The above problem is now obsolete and will only serve as a curiosity because we (my Windows Wizard of a helper, as I call him), tried a different approach and it seems to have worked! I wish I could understand why the earlier effort failed, because it sure created a large number of those odd results. To briefly reiterate…. We fed the Naim WAV file into Roon and then into SongKong and Grater. It was quickly obvious that many many albums has extra discs. On closer inspection we found that If an album had only one disc, it might make two, with the second album containing only one track. I think the one track was Track 1 of Disc 1. Similarly, if an album had two discs, it might make three discs. The first track record was in error and the remainder were correct. The second disc was correct. The third disc contained only one track. If I remember correctly, it would be Track One of Disc One. There were dozens and dozens of these oddities. I’m sure there were other errors but they were ignored because the result was simply unusable.

The subsequent attempt took a copy of my Naim WAV data, fed it into SongKong, then Grater, then Roon. This time the result looks mostly good. I’ve noticed only a few oddities, so far, but I can happily say there are no more instances of the extra album with one track that dominated the first attempt. Off the top of my head I saw a one disc album had become two, but one copy was from my files and the other was from Tidal.
As soon as I have more time, I will identify any problems and let you know. Meanwhile, I can happily say a huge
thank you for programming the Naim rescue for the Naim Uniti Core! I can finally get all my meticulously edited NAIM records into Roon. Yes, I still have editing to do, but it’s not virtually EVERYTHING as it was the first time I naively sent my Naim WAV records into Roon!
I will undoubtedly be interested in trying out your editing feature. Roon has editing weaknesses in its IOS app. Though an app rather than the desktop is my preferred method of editing as I have eyesight problems and it is also painful to sit.
I don’t have to sit to use a tablet and it also minimizes my eyesight issues, so I wish all software was as robust for tablets as it is for desktop and laptop users.

SongKong then Roon is more logical way to do it, if they were already added to Roon first before SongKong the issue may just have been that you needed to inform Roon that the songs had been updated by SongKong because it doesn’t automatically know. So maybe what happened is it came across some of the files that had been modified but not all of them and that confused it.

What is Grater?

So you can use Remote Mode to allow you to do editing via Web-browser on your tablet, see Tutorial 50: Remote or Desktop Mode