SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

What songs are included in the word "completed?" What does it actually mean?


Maybe a silly question…When processing, what does the word “completed” actually mean?

The reason I’m asking is for this latest run I’m only saving at a rate of about 10% of completed. Does completed include songs that it finds in the database on my computer and does not need to go out and retrieve metadata from Musicbrainz? Does it not save a song under certain non-error conditions? I’m looking for any logical reason besides errors why this ratio is so low.

Thank you!

Completed means that SongKong has finished processing the file, the end result can be

  1. No match found hence no save required.
  2. Match found but no different to existing match metadata so no save required (i.e if reprocessing files that have been matched before)
  3. Match found and saved.