SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

What do you think of these UI improvements

Hi, Im trying to solve some longstanding UI issues with Jaikoz and would welcome some input on:

as there are a few things Im undecided about.

Tickets 611 and 173

I am not sure I overly follow the whole ‘do this while only certain files are selected’, or ‘not when files are not selected’. Seems a little unpredictable, or maybe I am just misunderstanding standing it.

What happens if a file might be selected, but I don’t realize it because its on a field that is in a row that I do not currently have in view, as its scrolled off the page?

I would think it would make more sense to follow some of the standards put out by spreadsheets like excel, as jaikoz has a similar layout and feel and deals with managing large amounts of data. Excel for the most part only applies actions to the fields one has selected. Though they can click on the header of a row or column to select that whole field, or the top left of part of the work sheet to select all.

For ticket 253,

While I am not a super big MS fan, I do appreciate how they deal with settings and menus in their programs. I have included a screen shot of my outlook app settings to give you an example that would make it really easy for the user to follow.

One thing you may want to consider is adding the ability to have multiple tasks assigned to a button. You could use this same UI layout style to allow one to add multiple tasks. The user would just move over the tasks they want assigned to a icon or name. They could then add it to their menu bar along with any of the predefined single tasks that are already there. Basically an Autocorrector replacement that would do the same thing as the existing Autocorrector, but allow the user to create multiple groups of tasks that are all set to a single icon.

Allowing the user to pick any task from within the Menus as well as the ones that Autocorrector already has would be super powerful. Not only for easy of use for quick access to the tasks the user uses the most, but also for the ability to macro or make groups of multiple tasks that can easily be launched by a single click.

For me, I always run auto corrector first, but then I have to fix individual files which would really take advantage of single task icons in the toolbar. I then always do a post auto correct of 4 tasks every time, that I have to run separately as there is currently no way to have 2 autocorrectors or grouped tasks options. These 4 tasks I run at the end of every batch of files. In this case being able to add an icon to that same toolbar that performs these 4 user predefined tasks would be extremely helpful.

I’m sorry to throw more ideas out there, but they are somewhat related as they both deal with tasks that could be stored inside the Toolbar.

Thx, its meant to read as ‘if fields are selected just apply to those songs’ if nothing selected apply to all visible songs, is that clearer ?

Or do have an alternative ?

Good point about not being visible on screen, although that is the current situation with things like copy and paste, I guess it would be quite unusual to select something then scroll to another part of the display without selecting anything else.

Extra functionaility such as select whole column or whole row probably would be useful.

Although for rows we currenlty have seperate selection critera, selecting a row header has no effect on the fields selecte dwithin the table itself, perhaps that needs to be changed ?

[quote=paultaylor]Thx, its meant to read as ‘if fields are selected just apply to those songs’ if nothing selected apply to all visible songs, is that clearer ?

Or do have an alternative ?

Good point about not being visible on screen, although that is the current situation with things like copy and paste, I guess it would be quite unusual to select something then scroll to another part of the display without selecting anything else.

Extra functionaility such as select whole column or whole row probably would be useful.

Although for rows we currenlty have seperate selection critera, selecting a row header has no effect on the fields selecte dwithin the table itself, perhaps that needs to be changed ?

I loaded a bunch of files into Jaikoz to see how that would feel. I am using a slightly older version, 5.0.1.

I typically always have 1 cell selected as its just from moving the cursor around or navigating. To unselect everything, I am use to hitting the escape key. I selected a Filename, and hit Esc as to not have anything selected. Instead of deselecting the field, it changed my filename to noname.mp3, lol. Not sure that would work to well :slight_smile:

Esc, which in most programs is an unselect, seems to be acting as a delete on any cell that it is used on. Something that the Delete key or Backspace key would be used for typically. Is this intended or is it just because I haven’t updated jaikoz yet?

It’s Cntl-Shift-A (View/Select None), maybe should map Esc as well sounds easier, and I take your point that usually have something selected, maybe should treat as nothing selected if only have field selected, bu then sometimes you might want to fix just one field.

A single cell selected should only have a task performed to that cell. Multiple fields selected should have tasks performed only to those particular multiple fields that are selected. If escape acted to unselect all, like it does in databases and spreadsheets, then having a task performed on everything that is loaded and not filtered from view, shouldn’t be a problem when nothing is selected.

It would be just a matter of tapping escape first, then clicking on the button or running the task to have it be performed on all files that are loaded and not filtered out.

What are your thoughts on ?

Hi, so its essentially a way of configuring multiple autocorrecters. It has merit but I’m not sure it wouldn’t better to just allow the configuration of multiple autocorrecters within the autocorrecter preferences themselves, rather than making toolbar a play to configure toolbar buttons AND autocorrecters.

Either way I’m not going to be able to implement this feature in this iteration of Jaikoz, I think it is a step beyond configuration of a toolbar.

Ahh, gotcha. I was thinking it might of been similar as some of the tasks that one might use for the menubar might have been some of the same ones that the user currently can choose for autocorrector.

Maybe something like all the tasks that are available in jaikoz both in the menus and autocorrector on the left that could be clicked on to be added to the right to show up in the toolbar.

Then an identical page, with the tasks and the left and right windows, that instead of adding them to the toolbar, has additional dialog below it for the user to create a name and pick an icon.

If a task has been set in this window, it would show up in the other toolbar window. That way the user could add that group of tasks as one button, the same way they add a single task as one button.

Basically a GUI similar to the one I posted above, or similar to how jaikoz does the autocorrector GUI which is kind of the same layout.

Yes, maybe.

Im grapppling with the selected problem at the moment because I was testing something else I keep foregetting to select none/all before running the task and the wondering why it doesnt work as expected, but so many people have asked for this feature as they want to have to use the context menu to apply changes to selected files. I suppose it ill be less of a problem when we have fully configurable toolbar because they hold down a key or click on a checkbox on the toolbar to toggle between defaulting to apply to all songs or just selected.

Okay I think selection should work as follows:

  1. For tasks that are performed on individual fields like most of the stuff in the Edit Menu this should work on the selected fields. if none are selected then just do nothing.

  2. For tasks that apply to songs we ignore selection in the main table because as you say the default behavour is for at least one field to always be selected and its really annoying if trying to run tasks on all songs which is the norm and it just does it for one song. Instead we loom at the row header selection because this is not usually selected, but if it does then we only perform action on those selected rows otherwise we perform on all rows.

  3. However although a row is not selected by default we don’t currently seem to have a way to unselect a row if one is selected so we need to add an easy way to select no rows once one is selected.

  4. To make things clearer we simplify row context menu to only contain row based tasks, and the main table context menu to only contain field based tasks.

Things are progressing well on creating icons for tasks for the toolbar :slight_smile:

Wow, thats a lot of icons!!! Looking good. So in this pic, I assume you just have every task selected? Users would still be able to select just which tasks they want so they would only have the tasks that they want quick access to showing up?

Yes users configure which ones they want, they obviouisly wouldn’t want that many.

In fact Ive done more icons then I show on this screenshot I can’t fit them all in at one time.