SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

View Audio seem to not read correctly


Have a strange problem.

If I import some mp3’s when were encoder with LAME, looking at the view audio it seems correct. Each file says VNR, and encoder LAME. If I then change any of the tags save, and then reimport the mp3’s the view audio is messed up. so instead of VBR/LAME i get 128k/blank.

I have even seem a -1000 vbr.

If I then copy the files into itunes they are correct. So I think the problem is that the files are not being read correctly.

I am using the latest Jaikoz, which the snow leopard patch.

tried to attach the log files but got a apache error, so sent the files via email.