SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Various artists

First of all thanks for the great app! Been using Jaikoz for several years now. Its done its job very well tagging over 20k songs over the years.

Apologize if this has been asked multiple times. I searched over and over and cant find the right answer.

I’m trying to reorganize my library by getting rid of various artists/compilation albums

Is there a way to setup jaikoz so musicbrainz to only look for original album songs and no greatest hits. I much rather see the original album name and artist then anything to do with greatest hits like " NOW That’s what I call Music!.."

Sort of, if you enable Preferences:Remote Correct:Prefer do not match Various Artist Compilations ( and possibly Preferences:Remote Correct:Prefer do not match Single Artist Compilations) then given a choice between two albums to match a song grouping to it will always pick the non-compilation album even if it has a higher score.

However as starting point Jaikoz groups songs by folder first. If you already have your songs organized one folder = one album and you already have a folder representing a compilation album the only match Jaikoz is able to make at this first stage to match all songs is going to be to a compilation album. So if this is the case I recommend you do the following:

  1. Just load your compilation albums into Jaikoz (or load all and then close non-compilations)
  2. Edit Preferences:File and Folder Correct:Rename Subfolder from Metadata, changing the last line of Rename Mask and Compilation Mask to ifnotempty(artist,folderseparator)
  3. Run Correct SubFolders from Metadataa to move all your compilation albums songs so they just are stored in a folder as /track artist/
  4. Enable Preferences:Remote Correct:Prefer do not match Various Artist Compilations ( and possibly Preferences:Remote Correct:Prefer do not match Single Artist Compilations
  5. Disable Preferences:Remote Correct:Only allow match if all songs on album were matched and Only allow match if all songs in grouping match one album to allow aprtial album mathes.
  6. Run AutoCorrect
  7. Check your results BEFORE saving , I havent tested the procedure above.
  8. If all okay Save Changes then set your prefernces back to how you want them for usual matching.

Thank You! This returned much larger results but still getting a few blank and various artist but that’s because most those songs have various artist tag on musicbrainz

Is there a better way to manage songs with multiple artists in a song that way the song appears with the artist in itunes. Maybe I should just consider getting away from itunes.

Future feature request. Custom saved Preferences that way we can easily go back and forth quickly trying various results when auto correcting.