SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

v3.11 Bugreport Linux Ubuntu 10.04.02 LTS - further more test report

After working about 10 Days with jaikoz if found another bug, belonging to v3.11:


  1. an huge directory of mp3/ogg or whatever files is loaded fine (29,000 files)
  2. to handle such monster dir, I use the filter Interpret // album

Sometimes (but not in all cases) this happens:

  • workflow excerpt -
  • Filter is set on “all genres”, “all interprets” and “special-compilation album”, wich is errrous sorted in my Album dir, those files may spread all over the subdirtree.
  • next I save and move those files out of the basedir-album-dir.
  • next I close those files
  • so far so good - works -

But after that within the filter windows are the tags from the closed files listed, and the index of the shown file below ist damaged.

i.e. after clicing on other albums filters - there are displayed files which defenitlely are not belonging to that album.

Even waiting to get the index fixed by it’s thread is not practical - it won’t fixed. Also Open the dir as new (Ctrl-o) does not fix.

Only thing, that works is to close jaikoz and restart frem scratch.

Some “nice to have” points - ideas I collected during my intensive work - are listed on the approbiate part in the forum, since those are suggestions.

Greetings from an Sunny Sunday
PS: ab buggy sunday which started with an support inicident of an customer trouble and a server crash … :roll:

Sorry I cant quite work out what you are saying let me try and paraphrase you.

Select an artist using the Column Browser
Save and Move the file listed
Close those files

the files are closed but genres belonging to the closed file and only the closed files are still shown in the Column Browser ?