SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

v2.4.0 Beta 2 Issues w/ MAC OS X 10.5.2


Here are several issues that I have found with the beta version.

1.) Installation - software did not sense or find the key from my last version. Updates that I have done before have automatically used the last key. No big deal just found the key that I had in a different location and did the full key install.

2.) Delete duplicates function does not work properly. I consolidated two computers with 3000 songs I know of at least 100 that were dups. The duplicate deletion only found 6 even though I could see several just on the screen. I set the settings for “it has the same MD ID as another file”. Still did not pick the others up.

3.) Filers menu on top non-functional. Drop down only shows parent structure nothing past the arrows.

4.) Can no longer select just eh volume to do a search must select a folder. I use to be able just to select Macintosh HD and it would do the search now I have to select individual folders.

Enough for now. As I find others I will let you know. Either-way, still a fantastic program. I am getting ready to “sort” a 120 GB HD that has 20k of songs, we will see how it handles that. If you have any suggestions on the best items to place in the manipulators for auto-correct so that it is fully functional as an itunes library on an external drive I would GREATLY appreciate it.


  1. It didnt maintain changes to your preferences, or it lost your license key , or both? It should do both, although there is an issue with some users regarding keeping preferences but not the license key. Did you upgrade from 2.3.1 or an earlier version.

2.) Can you send me a scrrenshot showing this please, because it is working fine for me.

3.) What do you mean Open Files/Add Files option - I cant see the problem please send screenshot.

4.) Im using a library which has been updated for 10.5 - and I think thre are still a couple of issues with the Open Folder Dialog. Im looking into it.

Enough for now. As I find others I will let you know. Either-way, still a fantastic program. I am getting ready to “sort” a 120 GB HD that has 20k of songs, we will see how it handles that. If you have any suggestions on the best items to place in the manipulators for auto-correct so that it is fully functional as an itunes library on an external drive I would GREATLY appreciate it.
I’ll have to come back to you on this once Ive sorted out the beta bugs

Good Afternoon,

1.) Both. I had to go into the “Install full license” option and direct it to the location of the license.jai file. Now this might be my mistake because I do not keep it in the Jaikoz folder I have it in a folder under documents/Software licenses. The other versions seemed to always keep it. I updated from an earlier version then 2.3.1

2.) Screen shot included. Id does seem to have something to do with different versions i.e. ID3v1v23 compared to ones that have ID3v something else.

3.) Sorry about #3 it was Filters Menu. When I would go to the filters for the drop down box they would show the parent options but not the children. Reinstall fixed this one.



PS the website will not allow me to attach the screen shot. Drop me an email at and I will respond with the screen shot

There is a bug when the folder dialog is first shown, if you select a folder under the drive then the ‘Open Folder’ button is enabled and if you then go back to your top level drive it will remain enabled and you can select the whole drive as before.

It looks like there is a problem from the screenshot but I have nt been able to find a problem so far. Can you try a few try things for me.

  1. If you restart jaikoz and try again do you always get identical results
  2. If you then select ‘Filters/Filter MusicBrainzIds/Duplicate Music Brainz Id’ menu item does it correctly show all the duplicate records or only the duplicates records that have one of the duplicates marked as deleted. Knowing this will tell me if there is a problem with the Delete Code or the filtering code, because delete only opicks a deltion from the records returned by the duplicate code.

Anybody else having problems with this ?

Thanks problem solved. If for example there were four files with duplicates ids jaikoz would only delete one when it should in fact delete three. Fixed for next beta.