SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Upgraded to lastest version, UI widgets not loading properly


Please see the attached screen capture, as it describes the problem better than I can in words.

Attaching files seems to be having troubles, so check this link:

I’m running Mac OS 10.8.5

Jaikoz about:
Jaikoz 6.2.0 NGS
Build Version:1134

java -version
java version “1.7.0_60-ea”
Java™ SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_60-ea-b04)
Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.60-b07, mixed mode)

I’ve upgraded before, seen this problem, and reverted to the previous version thinking it’ll get fixed in a point release. However, I’m now a major version behind, and thinking it’s something in my environment. Any thoughts on what I might have wrong?

Thanks in advance,


When trying to post with an attachment, I’m getting the following trace out of Tomcat:


I think its because you are on OSX 10.8, the latest versions of Jaikoz has only been tested with OSX 10.9 and there is clearly some Gui issue running it on OSX 10.8.

With the introduction of OSX 10.9 Apple no longer provided Java 1.5 and instead Java 1.6 was required, now on Windows or OSX this move to 1.6 would not be a big deal but on OSX responsibility for Java move from Apple to Sun, and with that many of the Apple specific gui features added to java 1.5 were broken. So it was alot of effort to get Jaikoz working on OSX 10.9 and this was the main point of the Jaikoz 6 release.

I will have a look at this issue, but Im sorry I dont really have the resources to get Jaikoz 6 working with OSX 10.8 since most users can upgrade to 10.9 for free anyway.

I’ll just revert, and not upgrade until I move to 10.9.