SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Updating MB getting strange genres

I recently updated my collection using the update MB feature. Many songs genres were changed to strange definitions, such as DEATH BY CANCER, DEATH BY PNEUMONIA, 00s, ecc. Do you have any idea what this means? Thanks.

MusicBrainz Genres are not standardized, a song, album or artist can be tagged with anything. You may be better of just using Discogs styles (wie categories) or genres(more detailed) , these are of a higher quality.

This can be configured in:

Preferences:Musicbrainz:Format 2
Preferences:Remote Correct:Discogs

Thanks, if Discogs is better why don’t you use it by default?

So should I configure as follows?

Preferences:Musicbrainz:Format 2: NEVER ALTER
Preferences:Remote Correct:Discogs: ALWAYS REPLACE VALUES

I use both by default, but MusicBrainz gets checked first. I think when it was originally setup I wasnt aware of the variety of uses musicbrainz tags were used for, you can set a filter in Remote Correct:Genres that applies to both MusicBrainz and Discogs genres but it is difficult to catch them all.

I think you are correct that by default we shouldn’t use MusicBrainz Folksnomy tags, the newer SongKong only uses Discogs.

Can you explain what happens if I set Preferences to

Musicbrainz:Format 2: Always Replace Values
Remote Correct:Discogs:Genre: Always Replace Values

I tested this setting and it seems to prefer Discogs to MB when value is found. Is this so?
