SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Update Metadata from existing MB Id doesn't work with Jaikoz NGS like before

Usually, when I found a song in MusicBrainz manually, I looked for the MB unique Id and entered this value in Jaikoz, deleted the MB Release Id and used Ctrl + Alt +6 to update the Metadata. This doesn’t work anymore with Jaikoz NGS.
Now I have to click through several pages in MusicBrainz to get the Album too, go to the Details and get the MBID for this Album and then cut and paste it in Jaikoz in the MB Release ID field. That is very wasteful.

Any change possible?

PS. I know that now in NGS one track can belong to more Releases. Why don’t you use the first one you’ll find? Or open a new window, where I can select the Recording (Album) I whish to use, if there are more than one.

PS. I know that now in NGS one track can belong to more Releases. Why don’t you use the first one you’ll find? Or open a new window, where I can select the Recording (Album) I whish to use, if there are more than one.[/quote]

That’s the problem , Jaikoz cant just pick the first album it would more often or not be incorrect.

I have requested from Musicbrainz that tracks on a release have their own ids so you can uniquely identify an instance of recording on a release but I think this is unlikley to happen.

Really you are misusing Update Metadata from existing MB Id original use, it was intended for updating the data for a song that has previously been matched by Jaikoz to MB and may now contain additional information since it was first matched.

It is not intended for update info from a song you have manually matched by typing in the mb id. Your idea of a popup window showing choices is a viable option but why cant you just use Manual Correct from Musicbrainz instead ?

because of a misstyping in the artist name or misstyping in the Title, so Manuel Correct doesn’t find the song.

because of a misstyping in the artist name or misstyping in the Title, so Manuel Correct doesn’t find the song.[/quote]

But why not just correct the artist/title and then run ManualCorrect on just that file, that would seem quicker than going to website, searching, pastein g the value and then run update.

Also there is a search in Manual Correct, but its not quite working right with NGS but i intend to add a new search with results coming up in Jaikoz Window rather than on a webpage. This allows you to do any search from within Jaikoz and assocaite your track with one of the matches.