SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Unable to view xls export files

I am unable to open up any xls files created by the export feature in jaikoz. I am using windows 7 64bit Pro along with MS Office Excel 2010. I am using jaikoz 4.5.7 in 64bit mode.

When I try to open the file, I get an error box:

“Excel found unreadable content in ‘A.xls’. Do you want to recover the contents of this workbook? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes.”

I then click Yes, and get the following:

“Unable to read file.”

followed by,

“The workbook cannot be opened or repaired by Microsoft Excel because it is corrupt.”

I can save the file as a csv and open it just fine in Excel. Any ideas why the xls file will not open? I have tries exporting it thrice now and every time I get the same results. I can also send you a copy of the file if you like.

Thank you.

Just an update. I decided to install calc as it handles csv utf-8 files a lot better than excel (wishes MS would go full utf-8 everywhere). I tried opening the xls file in calc and it crashes the program. So it looks like the xls file is corrupt and unviewable by both programs.

Upon further testing, it appears to not be all xls files. I have found it is only 1 file that I create from about 50k songs. Currently I am breaking down this group of folders into smaller ones so I can hopefully identify what file(s) would be causing data in an xls file to error out excel.

I found the problem, it was 1 lyrics field on 1 file. It appears excel couldnt open the xls with that files info in it. It appeared as a broken formula or something. Not sure why excel would see it as a formula though.


I could email you the file if you like. I made a copy of the unmodified file in case you’re interested. Then cleared out the lyrics field of my main file and it went through just fine. Only file out of 300k files that would cause the jaikoz xls exporter not to provide a valid xls file. So not an issue any more for me, but I don’t know if you want to see it to find out what would cause the exporter to not produce valid xls files.

Great, yes please send me the file

Sent to support. Thanks