SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Unable to Update iTunes

Hi folks,

First of all, I want to say that I love your software. It is simple, yet powerful, and that’s exactly what I was looking for in organizing my iTunes and for uploading to my Apple TV!

I upgraded to 2.8.2 today, and when I tried to save changes to an album, I got the following error:

Unable to update iTunes:iTunes was busy and could not be updated, please do not use iTunes whilst updating from Jaikoz

By the way, this happens even when the queue is empty (i.e. I load up Jaikoz and immediately hit save).

Curiously, I was not running iTunes at the time when I received the error. iTuneshelper was running, but I didn’t think that was an issue. Any suggestions?


I’m having the same problem.

  1. iTunes was running when I first ran jaikox.
  2. Exit iTunes, press save. Same error
  3. Exit jaikoz and reopen jaikoz. (itunes still closed) Same error.

Hmm, both of you please send me your support files (Action/Create Support Files) I’ll take a look straight away, are you on Windows or Mac

Max OS X

support files on their way…

It appears that in your case there is a problem with a change in Jaikoz 2.8.2 that is intended to find the itunes xml file automatically.

Open Application/Utilies/Terminal
In the Terminal Window type
defaults read iTunesRecentDatabases

send me the output

Since I have updated to 2.8.2 Jaikoz no longer finds matches from Musicbrainz or fills in any of the information automatically. I have to find the release ID manually and force it to fill in all information. I also am getting the same error message about iTunes saving as the other two.

btw I am in OSX Leopard 10.5.6

Gosh youre right Autocorrect tags from Musicbrainz is broken, but you can Manual Correct From Musicbrainz could be used instead that works.

I will get a new release out asap, but could you do the itunes test for me so I can get that fixed as well

Both issues should now be fixed in jaikoz 2.8.3 available now

Sent my support files as well. I’m not sure if you still need them since there’s a new version out. Thanks for the quick update!

thanks for the quick fix and the amazing software.