SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

unable to start Jaikoz 4.0.0 NGS

hi love the program, but i am a having two issues
1 after install on win7 64 U the compatibility assistance kicks in and asks if the program installed correctly i say yes and run jaikoz and i get a error message.

if i say no and run the assistance it tries to run jaikoz under win xp service pack 2, and then i get the same message.
i have both java 32 and 64 bit installed. 64 bit was installed first and then tried to run jaikoz got the error, then installed 32 bit and got the same message.
have uninstalled and reinstalled with restarts in between and still get the same message.
any ideas

Why don’t you read the other posts?

“java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Table/View “ARTWORK” does not exist” was not my problem, plus i had windows wanting to know if the program was installed correctly.
(nice thanks welcome.) and yeh i did try deleting the db folder

Can you try running Jaikoz.bat from a command window and paste me the output

To fix navigate to were it says the database is in the error and delete the whole jaikozdb folder. Then run jaikoz again, this worked to fix the error for me.