SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Unable to see comment(s) in iTunes

I understand that iTunes requires the comment language to be ‘English’.

Jaikoz seems to default the ‘Comment’ language to ‘Media Monkey Format’ and if I change this to ‘English’ it seems to always revert back to ‘Media Monkey Format’.

I’m assuming this is why none of my values in the comment field appear in iTunes.

How can I fix this? Is there a way to set the default language to ‘English’ rather than ‘Media Monkey Format’?

Jaikoz should default to English, and does do in my tests.

By looking at the ID3 Edit tab you can view the comment field, and from here work out what is going on in your case.

I’ve done all this and it definitely defaults to ‘Media Monkey format’.

Intel Mac OSX 10.6.7

Hmm, well Ive tried again and checked in iTunes that I can see the comment, and I have no problem.

Anyone else getting this issue ?

So perhaps I’m testing the wrong thing. could you explain in detail exactly what you are doing.

Hi Paul

I export a virgin WAV from Sample Manager then open in Jaikoz.

In Jaikoz lower window I click ‘ID3 Edit’ and then on the ‘1’ on the LHS to update the existing comment which is: "Encoded with Sample Manager’

The language that comes up is ‘Media Monkey Format’ so I change to English, hit ‘rename’ and ‘OK’.

I open again at it has gone back to ‘Media Monkey Format’. ie saving with 'OK does not work.

If alternatively I add a second new comment in ‘English’ and then delete the existing first comment in ‘Media Monkey format’ then it saves OK.

This is too laborious for our workflow as we have hundreds of mp3s to tag.

I should have added that the latest iTunes does not display the comment when the language is set to ‘Media Monkey Format’. But does when it is ‘English’.

I have no idea why Jaikoz is displaying ‘Media Monkey Format’ by default. I have another app. called ‘Library Monkey’ which I use sometimes but that is not the same as the well known ‘Media Monkey’ which is a Windows OS app.

I am on Mac OSX 10.6.7 here.

The so called ‘Media Monkey’ format is invalid format that I came across when using Media Monkey, its actually 'XXX" but purely but as that meant nothing to anyone its displayed as Media Monkeymformat in the Jaikoz GUI. In the same way that English is actually store as ‘eng’. But clearly its used by Sample manger as well.

Okay so the issue is not that Jaikoz creates comment with the Media Monkey format, but that if you and try to modify an existing comment that uses Media Monkey it doesn’t change the language.

I will look into this but if your comment is just the same for each song there is an easy workaround.

Go back to edit tab
Right click on Comment column and select ‘Empty Column’
Save Changes
Right click on Comment column and select ‘Set Value’
Enter ‘Encoded with Sample Manager’
Save Changes

Thus will recreate the comment for every file using the ‘English’ language.

Hi Paul,

we run a music library ( and our overseas agents require a huge variety of different metatags for their systems. Some require that the ‘comments’ field contain comma separated keywords (search terms) so that’s immediately why each track routinely has totally different data in that field.

I realise that our use may be more demanding than most people but it’d be great for us if there was a way to force the comments to be English prior to importing tags from a spreadsheet. Thanks for your help.

It seems the issue is that the software you are using to create your mp3s is writing the comment using the incorrect XXX language. So wouldnt the solution be not to enter comments at that stage, but just enter them directly into Jaikoz.

Or since you mention spreadsheets you can use Jaikoz’es Advanced/Import Export options.

Load the songs into Jaikoz
Advanced/Export Songs creates the data in excel format
Now edit the spreadsheet, so if you already have comments somewhere you can copy them into the spreadhseet under the comment column
Advanced/Import to update your songs with chnages made in the spreadsheet.

Fixed problem that renaming language only change doesn’t persist