SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Unable to save modifications to some files

If you click on the console tab on the detail panel you can see all errors.

If the folders are read only that could well cause problem because sometimes we need to write changes to a temporary file so we can ensure the write was successful before replacing the original file, so try making the folders writeable.

Hi Paul, Jaikoz is still running so I can’t read report yet but i also cant remove the folder attrib “read only”, I had made sure yesterday that all files had write permissions ie read only removed but checking ms forums (I’m xp sp 3 laptop connected remote to windows home server 2003 as administrator, files in d:\music and Jaikox running on server on same disk) they say read only is fixed for folders in XP - even using attrib command in dos runs but doesn’t remove folder attrib of +r. Are we sure this is the problem please and if so, any idea how to make folders in XP writable as opposed to their file contents (which already are) please? Cheers, Tom

Also Paul, discogs server just booted me out for 5000 enquiries in a day - I had the strong impression that this software was aimed particularly at users with large music collections, so is this an error please? Cheers, Tom

The main database that Jaikoz has used since inception was Musicbrainz, this has no limits. Discogs was added quite recently in order to provide some addoitional supporting data/alternative data supply, and yes it currently has a limit of 5000 lookups per day, but they have said they are looking to remove that limit.

No I’m not sure , but would be easier if you just run a test against a single folder that you are having problems with. But why can you not make the folder writable using Windows Explorer) by selecting properties and using the Security tab ?

Hi Paul, many thanks for the replies - I think it’s an issue outside of Jaikoz but presumably a regular challenge as I think it’s a permission issue from burning tunes to disk then uploading to the server - most of my library is bought from internet strores but my initial collection of cd,s I ripped to mp3 and burnt to dvd - I’m beginning to think these folders were set to read only when burned and carry that value over when moved. So, in attempting to alter the read only I’ve tried explorer and it seems that every single folder is read only. I checked other forums and it seems that microsoft set all folder properties this way in XP and Win7 - and their workaround is attrib in dos - so I set all folders and children to -r but it didnt remove the tick in explorer file properties - so I used security and set user group “everyone” to full privilidges, went back to explorer properties and the read only flag still isnt clear. I’ve even tried “Clear read only” and “attribute changer” software but I’m unable to remove the read only flags. I’m a bit out of my depth here but I can’t figure out why I can’t remove the flag? your help would, of course, be much appreciated please Paul. Cheers Tom

Hi Tom

I’m afraid the intricacies of Windows security is beyond me also, perhaps try copying the folders to a new location, maybe the new folders will no longer have this read only problem.

I still don’t understand why you cant just change the permissions in Windows, are you saying that in Windows they are not marked as read only, but really they are behind the scenes.

Hi Paul
what I’m saying is that once i get into the detail - EVERY folder seems to be read only - when I check Microsoft threads - they say XP and up locks all folders read only but files can be whatever - all the music files are -R but all folders throughout the system and my 2 laptops are +R. Attrib wont change it, creating full powers for user “Everyone” under security tab doesnt allow them to be cleared and using explorer clears them but re-visit and they are clearly still +R. On balance therefore I dont think its a folder +R issue - maybe its the fact I’m remote to a ms homeserver 2003 outfit (although I’m logged in as admin). It’s sure got me stuimped right now and maybe your right, maybe copy some test files to a local machine, install Jaikoz local and see if it goes away? Strange thing is - more files can be written to than can’t. Jeeze. Thanks for your patience. Tom

Can you also send me your support files (Advanced/Create Support FIles)

Thanks for all your speedy replies Paul - I’d be delighted to but I may be onto something. I’m just running a few small sample files thro Jaikoz. Neither of us believed it was a Jaikoz problem - more a file write permissions issue. For a different reason, I re-booted the server last night and hey presto, it appears that the security/user group/file ownership/cascade to all folders and children/inheritance rights - seem to have stuck. maybe the security settings need a re-boot but it’s news to me. I’ll do some more tests before I bother you with any more work if thats OK thanks Paul.

Of course, fingers crossed

6,930 updates today :slight_smile: Worst symptom being save failure notices thro files being in use and files being inaccessable - but simply re-saving cleared them and in just 1 case a third save attempt cleared them - so, I don’t quite understand the reason but it’s easily workable. Cheers.

Hi Paul - another query if it’s ok - last night I loaded 10,428 tunes to clean and this morning it had got to 256 - and seemed to have stopped scanning. The software hadn’t locked because it was still responsive - just scans had stopped. So I cleared it, closed the programme, re-loaded the programme and opened a playlist for cleaning (same one) and I’m back now after 4.5 hours and it seems to have stopped agin but this time, after 378 records. Any ideas please Proff?

best if you send your support files again


Found two ‘Out of Memory’ errors during the periods it froze, I’m a bit suprised that it ran out of memory with only 10,000 files loaded so it may indicate another issue, but in the meantime try increasing the memory allocated to Jaikoz or load a smaller batch of files.

After the memory error Jaikoz didnt seem to do anything for quite some time, then it did continue but kept getting only partial matches so seemed to be getting nothing.

Thanks Paul, I was searching for album art in a seperate programme - maybe that was it or maybe the server started to balance drives? I’ll keep an eye on it thankyou.