SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Unable to retrieve an acoustic id

Hi Paul,

thanks for the last fix!
sometimes there seems to be a problem retrieving acoustic id’s from MusicIP.
Is this Jaikoz related or due to MusicIP?

28.02.2009 21:29:56: WARNUNG: Unable to retrieve an acoustic id for song 12 file/Volumes/MP3/gefunden steffen neu m�glicherweise/gefunden2/The Verve - Urban Hymns/13 - Come On.mp3, because analysis took longer than 300 seconds

I took this album as example because this should be referenced in MusicIP.

any ideas greatly appreciated :wink:
TIA and cheers

The genpuid program from Music uses different audio decoders on different platforms , and in my experience the Windows version works slighty better than the mac version at decoding lossy files so they can be analysed and successfully identified againts MuscIP. Your issue has been reported to Music IP