SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Unable to retrieve acoustic ids


I’m running Jaikoz 4.3.1 NGS using Java 1.6.0_22 20.0-b11 64bit on Linux 2.6.38-11-generic amd64, Ubuntu 11.04.

I’m trying to retrieve acoustic ids and am getting the error in my console of:

Oct 5, 2011 7:32:28 PM: INFO: 32 files are loaded
Oct 5, 2011 7:32:35 PM: INFO: Retrieving acoustic ids for 32 songs
Oct 5, 2011 7:32:36 PM: WARNING: Unable to retrieve an acoustic id for song 3 file /home/user/Music/Against Me!/The Eternal Cowboy/03 - Mutiny on the Electronic Bay.mp3 because Cannot run program “/home/user/Jaikoz/fpcalc”: error=2, No such file or directory

Earlier today the error message was the same, but for genpuid not fpcalc.


Sounds like a permissions problem.

Check /home/user/Jaikoz/fpcalc exists then do

chmod 777 /home/user/Jaikoz/fpcalc

to make sure its executable

(Genpuid was the program used by an earlier version of Jaikoz)

Thanks for your time.

I’ve run the suggested command and it still fails with the error message as in my first post.

[quote]marko@mango:~$ ls -l /home/marko/Jaikoz/fpcalc
-rwxrwxrwx 1 marko marko 2260628 2011-09-13 15:32 /home/marko/Jaikoz/fpcalc
marko@mango:~$[/quote][quote]Oct 6, 2011 2:07:34 PM: WARNING: Unable to retrieve an acoustic id for song 8 file /home/marko/Music/UNSORTED/Against Me!/White Crosses/Against_Me!-White_Crosses-05-We’re_Breaking_Up.mp3 because Cannot run program “/home/marko/Jaikoz/fpcalc”: error=2, No such file or directory[/quote]Any ideas as to a next step to take?

Thanks again!

Did you install Jaikoz as a different user to what you are running it as ?

I don’t believe so.

I have just deleted my Jaikoz folders (for want of knowing a better way to uninstall!) and reinstalled by double clicking on fpcalc permissions appear correct, but the problem persists:[quote]Oct 6, 2011 7:32:14 PM: WARNING: Unable to retrieve an acoustic id for song 16 file /home/marko/Music/UNSORTED/George Michael/Faith/George_Michael-Faith-02-Father_Figure.mp3 because Cannot run program “/home/marko/Jaikoz/fpcalc”: error=2, No such file or directory[/quote]

Try entering


and see what happens.

[quote]marko@mango:~$ /home/marko/Jaikoz/fpcalc
bash: /home/marko/Jaikoz/fpcalc: No such file or directory
marko@mango:~$ ls -l /home/marko/Jaikoz/fpcalc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 marko marko 2260628 2011-09-13 15:32 /home/marko/Jaikoz/fpcalc
[/quote]Wow! Not anything I expected!

Could you try running it as root

I think the problem is that the fpcalc bundled with Jaikoz is a 32bit binary, which will not automatically work on 64bit system. I’ll build a 64bit version too.

Thanks luks

Makrie, please try downloading:

Then rename to fpcalc and see if it works for you

paultaylor, luks, thank you both very much - and sorry I’m so slow returning to this thread. Also, luks, what an awesomely generous first post!

I tried running as root, it failed in the same way.

Then fpcalc64 worked perfectly, fantastic!

Thanks again, your help and support is much appreciated. :smiley:

All the best


Thanks Makrie

The next release of Jaikoz will have this fix properly incorporated, in the meantime any other customers having this problem please download and rename the fix as described above.