SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Unable To Play File, Please Check Your Play Preferences

Since updating to version 6.02, Jaikoz shows an error when I attempt to play an audio file via the Toolbar play button. It used to work fine, but now I receive the error: “Unable To Play File, Please Check Your Play Preferences”

I’m on OSX 10.8.5 and have VLC correctly set in my preferences as the music player.

Hi, thanks replicated issue

On my system if you just leave it blank it will successfully use iTunes, but if you specify iTunes in the field then it doesn’t work. So in the meantime if you blank it out if should use your system default, whether you can change the system default from iTunes to VLC I don’t know.

I’m fairly certain that there is no global setting in OSX to override iTunes as the default music player. I have OSX set to open certain filetypes to open with a particular program, so that anything with the extension mp3 or flac opens with VLC, but for some reason that setting won’t carry over to Jaikoz, even when I have the music player path blanked out in Preferences.

No big deal though, I can deal with it until it’s fixed next release. Thanks Paul

This was fixed for Jaikoz 6.0.3 released today