SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Unable to find a suitable release for the selected songs


I was tagging Paul Woolford - Black Orchid using the Match Songs to One Discogs Release feature, but it returns me the error message in the subject. I tried the feature in every other file I needed to tag but noone works.

Any ideas?

Well whats the error message ?

“Unable to find a suitable release for the selected songs”, even if I put the discogs release number myself. But today it seems to work. Probably a temporary problem on discogs side? :slight_smile:

I stand corrected, the “Match Songs to one Discogs Release” worked only one time (for Chet Faker - Thinking in Textures, NOT for Efdemin - Decay and Flume & Chet Faker - Lockjaw EP) and “Match Songs to Specified Discogs Release” failed all the time.

Update: I emptied the cache and it worked for the listed releases, but not for Chet Faker - Live Sessions. No idea what to do.

Does it give any reason why it didn’t match, if you send me your support files I can probably see why.

Email sent to support. Thanks!

Hi, I found the error in the logs. Now yes there seemed to a problem with Discogs last week that it was returning 403 errors sometimes for no particular reason. I had this happen to me as well and have not been able to get a satisfactory answer from Discogs, but I think its just something they messed up on their side but are to embarassed to admit to.

Jaikoz should report this error rather than silently failing as appears to be the case from what you say. Aso if the lookup fails nothing should be cached, it seems that it will not work again until you empty cache whihc should not be the case and points to another bug in Jaikoz.

03/04/2014 17.22.02:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.discogshelper.DiscogsRESTQuery:queryForCandidateReleases:WARNING: Problem with Discogs Candidate Releases:lockjaw ep:flume and chet faker:
com.jthink.discogs.exception.DiscogsInvalidDiscogsQueryException: Error:403
\tat com.jthink.discogs.query.DiscogsServerQuery.doQuery(
\tat com.jthink.discogs.query.DiscogsServerQuery.mapQuery(
\tat com.jthink.discogs.query.SearchQuery.mapQuery(
\tat com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.discogshelper.DiscogsRESTQuery.queryForCandidateReleases(
\tat com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.MatchSongsToDiscogsRelease.queryForCandidateReleases(
\tat com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.MatchSongsToDiscogsRelease.getReleases(
\tat com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.MatchSongsToDiscogsRelease.analyseData(

Is there any possibilities of getting a prerelease with this fix? Since Discogs is my main source for tags, in this situation I can’t use Jaikoz much at all.

I’m looking at this now but Discogs is currently problematic

  1. Firstly there was the issue with the additional restrictions imposed on downloading covert art, this is now fixed in SongKong ( see ) and Im now working on implementing the same fix in Jaikoz.

  2. Secondly Discogs returning 403 errors for valid querys such as lookup release or search release. They have said that it can return 403 if busy, this is very bad form and I’m not even sure if it is true so I have to decide whether to retry the query if we get a 403 or just give up as we currently do, I’m worried if we retry 403s it may just slow everything down and still not work.

I can announce today that my longer term solution it to provide my own copy of the Discogs data with an api for search and lookup. This will allow me to tailor the search to be much more suitable for tagging than the one provided by Discogs, I can reduce the rate limiting so it will be faster and it will be more reliable. But this does require some coding effort and then some infrastructure effort, but I dont believe it is a great deal of work and should be available within a couple of months - but this doesnt help your immediate problem.

If that’s the case most of the annoyance could be solved by simply returning the user an error and not caching the result, so he can just retry and get the results. I would really appreciate something like this in the next release, since in the current state Jaikoz is unusable.

I wanna also mention that using the APIs from Safari to get the same release info doesn’t lead to any errors (tested at the same time I had problems with Jaikoz) so there might be something else that doesn’t work

Just updating this thread to let others know these problems all cleared up because now moved to our own locally hosted Discogs server :slight_smile:

I can confirm this. :slight_smile:

Thank you!