SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

"Unable to find a suitable release for the selected songs"

I’ve been getting this error a lot. I’ve even checked all the times, renamed titles manually, everything and it will not match.

I’ve even submitted to MB using my files and it still won’t match, pasting the MBID in ‘match to specified’.

This was happening a lot with Shakira and I figured it was all the funny characters messing things up. When I tried to match the album above, it’s obvious something is wrong.

My support file is now too big for email, so here is a link:

I can provide the songs if you would like to try yourself.

I’ve had the same issue twice recently. I identified the release manually, then matched the titles one by one.
For example in release b3f7dfa7-3a99-33e0-a2cd-c5076ceb6142
the title Eva (recording c2ce6591-bf30-4171-99b6-901dc15f8214) was the only one that I could not match. It caused the error message “Unable to find a suitable release for the selected songs”.
When letting Jaikoz matching freely this title, it finds the recording a951cd65-523f-48d2-ad38-fd96001f147c (as mentioned in the annotation for the recording).

I don’t how to solve the problem.

I find that error message particularly unhelpful. Matching the titles one by one to find the odd one is not pleasant. When requesting a match with a specified release, jaikoz could indicate which titles do not fit.

One by one… that’s a good idea!

So I tried it on one of my problem releases, and like you said it’s just one that won’t match. I don’t know why, the time is dead on, the artist/track/etc spellings are identical… dunno. It’s easy enough to manually fudge, but still a PITA and troubling that something isn’t working right.

Hi, Just had a look at your logs and it failed to find a match on

What Happnin!

it says this in the logs, but if the error message displayed to you doesn’t say this that should be improved,

So maybe the issue is funny characters (i.e the !) it would help if I could try it out myself with the actual files.


Happy there is an obvious way to make the error message more understandable.


I sent you a PM a few days ago, you get the files?

Hi, I found the problem with the Shakira example it is nothing to do with special characters it is because of an additional check I do on AcoustID to check the songs matched to match at least one of the songs linked to by the same acoustID , if that particular AcoustID is linked to any Musicbrainz songs. Unfortunately in this case the AcoustID is incorrectly linked to the completely wrong song ‘Something’ and not your song. I go into this in a bit more detail but in summary it is right for Jaikoz to reject the match but it should inform you why, and in the case of Match To Specified MusicBrainz Release to allow you to override the warning.

This does not seem to be the problem with the other track

because the acoustID looks okay, but in order to find the solution I require the whole album not just the one track.

PM sent

Okay, the Ying Yang album is failing on the same check, but in this case it is a different bug because it should not be failing on the check. The comparison of


should be sufficiently similar that it returns true, but it is retuning false which is causing the problem, working on it now.

Fixed , and same problem on SongKong also fixed.

Thanks Paul.