SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Unable to connect to AmpliFIND Server

Just updated to 3.7 and trying to do my first auto correct with this version. Have had no problems with previous versions of jaikoz. When I run the auto correct it gave me a message that It can not connect to the amplifind server. I tried running auto correct again and it then gave me a MusicIPService already marked unavailable error.

Does this new version require any additional special requirements, like special ports open or anything? Have you seen this before?

Thank you.

Well I am also seeing this.

Is 3.7 ready to be used yet?

Moi aussi.

Disregard, possible server hickup.

Yes, no changes in this area.

Yep, it looks like it is on their end. Ran it again and it is now retrieving the information howbeit very slowly.

is this permanent…?? :? :roll:

No, just anpther glitch, Im going to complain to AmpliFIND about this.