SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Unable to conect to Dicogs server

It�s been 3 days since i recieve that message everytime I try to tag my music, any issues!?

“You have sent 5,001 queries to Discogs from this computer in the last 24 hours, Discogs does not allow more than this within 24 hours. Please wait untill the next day before retrying.”

Thats the complete message.
Thanks!! =D

The message says it all there is a 5000 requests per 24 hrs to Discogs limit, though there is no limit on Musicbrainz Requests.

If this message comes up means cant do any more Disocgs lookups, but shouldn’t prevent anything else running, if it does then there is an issue, please clarify.

Well, that�s the only thing failing for now. Musicbrainz works normally, but I’ve been tagging batches of 5,000 or more Mp3s for some weeks now and I never experienced any issues with Discogs. Why is this happening now!?
Thank you very much for your assistance! =D

Please send your support files (Advanced/Create Support Files) and I can do some further analysis

I just sent you the support file!
Thanks for your help!!!

When you were using Jaikoz 3.7.1 it was not informing checking the 5000 limit properly, so queries to Discogs were failing but it wasn’t being reported to you. With Jaikoz 3.8.0 it is now reported, I think you are just using up our limit, if you think this isn’t the case please increase the logging level to -l4 (see the help for detail) and do a test and send me the logs again, then I’ll be able to see the Discogs count.