SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Uknown tracks?

I just started to use Jaikoz on my mac pro. After I open a folder and then select auto correct and this fixes most of the problems, but I still have a few unknown tracks. I tried auto correct tags from Musicbrainz, and not luck. Then I tried manual correct tags from Musicbrainz, but I am not sure what to do to fix the problem. If I have a folder open in Jaikoz, and there are 3 unknown track, how can I select just those tracks to try and run the actions on? I guess the bottom line is what is the best way to fix this?

Just select those tracks and right click to bring up the popmenu to let you just run Manual Correct from Musicbrainz on those tags. You can also use the filters to only show songs that do not have aMusicbrainz Id.

Thanks. I was able to right click on the unknown track and then ran manual correct tabs from Musicbrainz and that still did not fix the problem, it only comes up with the info I already have, track #, time, album, and title “11 11 Unknown Track”. I did try and run retrieve acoustic id before I ran the other action. If I run “list missing tracks” I can figure out what the track name is. So in the edit window I changed the unknown track to the appropriate name, but when I save that track still does not show up?

Thanks again for your help,

Did you get an acoustic id, if you what was it ? if you tell me then I can see if the Acoustic Id is known to the Musicbrainz db.

Wht do you mean your save to the track name is not being saved, does it say the save worked okay or that it failed ?

It looks like some files have MusicIP id’s, but others do not. I am not sure where the acoustic id is? As far as the track name not saving, it appears the saved worked ok but the track names did not change in itunes or in the folders. I now realize the reason that nothing changed in the actual folders is because I need to select that action. I will send you a support file of one of the folders that I have unknown tracks for.

[quote=speters]It looks like some files have MusicIP id’s, but others do not. I am not sure where the acoustic id is?
Enable the MusicIP column, that is where they are held. Additionally for any particular file on Detail/Summary there is a ‘Has MusicIP checkbox’ , and Detail/Musicbrainz also shows the MusicIP field.

I am still having no luck with the unknown tracks and now that I ran J on my whole Music folder, I have quite a few tracks that have no artist or album. And auto correct did not fix that. As far as the tracks having a Music IP id, some do and some don’t, but none of the unknown tracks, albums or artist Has MusicBrainz Id. On some of these I have waited for 24 hours to see if I could get a MusicBrainz id, but still no luck

Steve, did you read my email, I explained this to you in the email.

Selecting the “Analyze and submit tracks that do not…” option allocates a Music IP Id for a track that isnt currently known to MusicIP. If rerun ‘Retrieve Acoustic Ids’ on the file the next day it should be able to retrive the newly allocated MusicIP Id (check the MusicIP Id field) . But unfortunately this new MusicIP Id will not yet be linked to the correct track on Musicbrainz, so if you cant get a match based on the metadata you may have to:
Manually lookup the track at
Find the Musicbrainz Id,
Add it into the Musicbrainz Id field,
Then run run Update tags from Existing Musicbrainz id to update the other fields based on the details for this Musicbrainz track id

If you have a free musicbrainz account you can then run Submit Musicbrainz/Puid Pair to link the Puid to Musicbrainz Track Id, this helps everybody and means that if you lose your metadata for some reason you will now be able to do a match just based on the Musci Ip id.

So I have the Music IP for most of my unknown tracks. When I select view PUID on musicbrainz I get “This PUID was not found”. I am not sure how I can manually look up a track when I don’t have the track name or even the artist, I only have the album name, track# and duration. Here is the MusicIP id for one of the tracks: c8e2dbb2-1214-b98f-3894-b8083ae4172f. Is there anyway to get the actual track name and artist at this point?


[quote=speters]So I have the Music IP for most of my unknown tracks. When I select view PUID on musicbrainz I get “This PUID was not found”.
This means the Puid is in the MusicIP database but not the Musicbrainz database, currently the metadata is only taken from Musicbrainz so the Puid will not help get a match in the current version of Jaikoz. However Music IP can provide some basic metadata for the Puid and I will be making use of this in future versions of Jaikoz.

Not really , if you manually enter the correct release id for the track then ‘Updates tags from Musicbrainz’ might be able to work out the correct track from the track no and duration. But if you are able to find the correct release in Musicbrainz you might as well just enter the correct title whilst you are there. If you cant find the release in Musicbrainz, or don’t know what the track is then it might have to remain unknown for the time being.