SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Trial version doesnt seem to work OS X

I downloaded it to see if it will tag all my files I just moved from wav and converted to apple lossless in itunes. 3000 songs. Could not find ONE acoustic ID, just came back with “WARNING: Unable to retrieve an acoustic id for record 1 file/Users/admin/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Unknown Artist/Unknown Album/(Goin’) Wild For You Baby.m4a, because this track cannot be analysed”. same with ALL 3000 songs. SInce this is what I want to use it for, if it doesnt work, its useless. Please let me know what is going on. THX

Thats weird, are you using the Official 2.4.1 release or the 2.5.0 Beta 2 release. Please send your support logs, these can be found in Home : Preferences : Jaikoz : Logs

Similar problem: I have many iTunes on OSX generated m4a files, some AAC some lossless, and I can’t seem to generate acoustic fingerprints on them using 2.5.2 on linux. It doesn’t give me any feedback other than a beep, and the log, which says:

Aug 16, 2008 10:44:46 AM: INFO: Retrieving Acoustic Ids for 1 files
Aug 16, 2008 10:44:46 AM: INFO: Retrieved 0 acoustic ids successfully
Aug 16, 2008 10:44:46 AM: INFO: Unable to find a match for 1 tags
Aug 16, 2008 10:44:46 AM: INFO: Completed retrieval of Acoustic Ids for 1 files

This log extract only shows that you have attempted to Retrieve an Acoustic Id for one file and it did not find a match. This is perfectly reasonable because with the default options Jaikoz only tries to find a matching acoustic id from the MusicIP database, if the track is not in the database then it will not return a match. You can make Jaikoz submit new tracks to MusicIP by enabling the ‘Preferences/Musicbrainz/MusicIP/Analyse and Submit Tracks to MusicIP that do not currently exist in Musicbrainz database’ option.

Please try with a more reprensentive sample and if you are still having problems sewnd me all your log files using the ‘Action/Create Support Files’ option.