SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Title Case and Parentheses

Preferences, Local Correct, Auto Format, Capitalization Options, Title Case

When it encounter (misses the first letter after the parentheses)

Results are: (misses The First Letter After The Parentheses)

Title Case needs to ignore Punctuation

Much Thanks

Im unclear what you mean, can you give me an example please.

I did but I try:

if title was:
Be to bad (mixed by norm big)

Title case will change to:
Be To Bad (mixed By Norm Big)

It misses the “m” right after the left parenthesis

or if title had:
Can’t stop loving

title case changes to:
Can’T Stop Loving

It caps the “t”


The first case with the m (in lower case) and not M (capitalised) after the parantheses is - I think - according to the MusicBrainz StyleGuide.
Style / Titles / Extra title information:
“Titles of mixes/versions are formatted according to the appropriate language’s guidelines; the other parts of this extra information should be in lower case except for words that would normally be capitalised in the language.”

The second case I aggree with you.
That is, when the function “Local Correct” changes a typographic apostrophe ? at 0x92 to a typewriter apostrophe ’ at code value 0x27 (39).
In my case (Windows 8.1) I get garbage in Windows Explorer at that point in the line where the typographic apostrophe exists, if the folder is a Music-folder (with colums like artist, title, album etc.)
I hope Paul will solve this problem sometimes :wink:

I should mention that in:
Preferences, Manipulators, Autocorrector, Task order are
Correct Metadata Discogs, MusicBrainz, then all
Local Correct; Artist, Album, Title, Genre, Comments, Track, Year, Artist

So Title Case should be the last to have an effect.

As far as MusicBrainz StyleGuide that is the beauty of Paul’s project “Jaikoz”
I can have it the way I want it… Which is an AWESOME design in the software.

I am hoping it just an over looked scenario.

Don’t capitalize after the ’ as in Can’T
Nor capitalize after the ( as in (today Is The Day To Smile)

Now I don’t get that I get:

Be To Bad (Mixed By Norm Big) 

What happens if you right click on the field and select Capitalizer/TitleCase ?

Yes, I think you mean 0x2019, I can replicate this rare case with that apostrophe, no problem with the usual 0x0027. The question is do we simply want title case to treat the the same regarding capitalization or would it be better to replace instances of 0x2019 with 0x0027 - I can raise an issue one we are clear on the best solution.


Paul take a look here
and here
maybe here too

Some users changing the typewriter apostrophe hex 27 to typographic apostrophe hex 92 in many recodings in MusicBrainz.
And that is too bad for me because of the Windows 7/8/8.1 problem. Maybe they’re using a Mac and there they have no problems.

Sorry your right, for some reason I couldn’t seem to get 0x92 displaying as an apostrophe in Jaikoz but can now.

So the problem occurs for this as well, but what is your preferred solution ?

I would love the option for it to switch to the normal apostrophe. When I see this happen, I usually just go in and delete the apostrophe and the uppercase char and retype them in with the apostrophe that is on the keyboard and the lower case character.

Actually its already fixed for 0x0092


but I’ll extend to 0x2019

and raised new issue for replacing the apostrophes with simple versions

I agree with greengeek and do the same when I see a typographic apostrophe

I know it’s a bit off topic since the issue here is Parantheses, but I was wondering if anyone knew how to make the program capitalize after " ?
I was just processing a fairly big chunck of music files and lots of them contain " in it, but it ended up putting lowercase on the first letter right after the ".
Example: - This is what the program produced
‘‘dark Themes…’’ (From ‘‘rust In Peace’’ Promotional Interview With Del James)

-this is what I’m after:
‘‘Dark Themes…’’ (From ‘‘Rust In Peace’’ Promotional Interview With Del James)

help anyone?

and tbis is after you run what command:

Capitalise, Correct from MusicBrainz, Autocorrect ?

This is after I run Capitalize and or Autocorrect…

So if you just run Capitalize it fails, and what Capitalize option do you use because it seems to work for me.

I use the Title Case option, but right after I run it, it gives me back small cases after the "

Hi, the problem is you are actually using two single quotes (0x027) rather than one double quote (0x22), is this manually entered because I cannot find a match on MusicBrainz.

Hello, this was already like this, but I could try replacing it just to make sure it is " and not ‘+’

It definitently is single quotes, this is your example paste from above

‘‘dark Themes…’’

and this is with double quotes

“dark Themes…”

in your example you can select each quote individually , in the second one you cannot.

You are 100% correct, thank you very much Sir, now this creates a different problem, the " symbol is now deleted from the file name once I run autocorrect, eventhough I have removed the " from the Punctuation Remover list, any ideas as to why is this happening?