SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

"...they may be corrupt." Same type error as 30/07/2009 23:07:27

Intel iMac OSX 10.6.1

I submitted a similar problem on 30/07/2009 23:07:27 (not sure how to find the tracking number) which you fixed.

After upgrading up to 3.3.3 I am getting the same error and wonder if the same problem has crept back in.

Here is what I do.

  1. I open up Jaikoz 3.3.3

  2. PROBLEM 1- I drag file xxx.mp3 into Jaikoz, at which time I get the screen shot 1.

I know this file xxx.mp3 is good as I can import it into iTunes without any problem.

  1. I click on ok.

  2. PROBLEM 2 - I drag file xxx.mp3 into Jaikoz again, at which time I get screen shot 2.

to see if it was the artwork problem from last time, I imported the file into itunes deleted the picture. I then deleted the file in itunes and saved it to the trash and moved it to another directory. I then tried to import into Jaikoz but got the same errors.



Firstly for me to identify why the file couldn’t be loaded I really need you to email me the file for testing.

Secondly , you didn’t really test if it was the artwork problem because Jaikoz complained you already had the file loaded when you tried to reload it. To test your suspicion, close and restart Jaikoz and then try to load the file.


How is the best way to get you a music file for testing?


Hi thanks have the file, and I can see that Jaikoz is failing on decoding an IPLS Text frame, an invalid ID3 frame should not cause Jaikoz to say an mp3 as invalid but it is in this case because of the nature of the error its causing. I will definently be able to resolve this for the upcoming beta.

Fixed in Dev