Hi Again,
i want:
rename folderstructure from tags to:
U2/1980 - Boy
where U2 comes from Albumartist first, else from Artist, if Year is not emty
with compilations
Various/Album [CD1]
use CD (instead of Disc) if the mediatype is emty, use cd01 (with a leading 0) if the Disc Total is greater than 9)
rename filename from tags:
Artist - 01 - Title
where Artist comes from Albumartist first, else from Artist
and alternative:
Artist - Album - 01 - Title
rename filename from tags if compilation is true:
01 - Artist - Title
use Artist else Albumartist
hopefully i was precise enogh
…isnt it possible to build an interpreter that translates:
“Albumartist,Artist/Year - Album” to the f… “code”? [sorry im only dreaming]
can we “non-porgrammers” have a topic for “example code”
i have fond some here in the depth of the forum, but to understand what it does it often is needed to copy that example-code to prefs, cause in the forumposts often does not have the resulting, renamed structure shown.
i realy tried to understand that (idonteveneknowwhatitis) i was able to handle the “old” sysstem" but sorry the new is not my world, yet… me>50yrs from german,
and please feel free to tell me how i can donate your work…
just one more thing:
is it somehow possible to write a “1” instead of the word “true” in isCompilation: set value ?