SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

TDOR (Original realease time) display error

When saving a value (say 1979) in the ID3v2 field “Original release time” - it fails, and populate the “Unknown list” field with "TDOR:Data=“5 bytes;” instead!

Tried it with Jaikoz 3.4.2, 3.8.2 and 3.8.3.

Is it a bug?

I noticed that when using the Original release date plugin with Picard to populate the TDOR ID3 frame - it will display properly in Jaikoz. But when altering/saving the file with Jaikoz, the frame get “corrupted”, and will not display again in Jaikoz ("TDORata=“X bytes;”).

Funny part is that it still shows the correct value in Picard!

So my guess is that Jaikoz add something “extra” to the frame when saving, which Jaikoz itself is not expecting when opening the file again…

Probably a bug, TDOR was introduced with ID3v24 so if you change the version field to ID3v24 and save it will all work as expected. Whereas if using ID3v23 then ‘Original Release Time’ shoud map to TORY (Original Release Year) instead but it doesnt seem to be doing that.

Fix now available, please give it a go
Download then replace your copy of this file in your installation with this one as follows

Go to Applications : Jaikoz
Right-click on Jaikoz and select Show Package Contents
Go into Contents : Resources : Java
Rename jaudiotagger.jar to jaudiotagger.old
Copy in this jaudiotagger

Windows Vista:
Go to C:\Program Files\Jthink\Jaikoz\lib
Rename jaudiotagger.jar to jaudiotagger.old
Copy in this jaudiotagger

Go to where you installed Jaikoz
cd lib
mv jaudiotagger.jar jaudiotagger.old
Copy in this jaudiotagger

Fantastic, will give it a go later tonight :wink: