SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

TargetPanel.incompatibleInstallation error when installing jaikoz 5.1.1

A l’ouverture de Jaikoz (version 4.6.3 (1113)), il m’a �t� propos� de t�l�charger et d’installer la mise � jour vers la version 5.1.1 (1117).
Durant l’installation, lorsque je confirme le chemin d’installation, j’obtiens une erreur: TargetPanel.incompatibleInstallation
Si je d�sinstalle ma version actuelle de Jaikoz je crains de perdre ma license…
Que puis-je faire ?

When opening Jaikoz (version 4.6.3 (1113)), I have been proposed to download and upgrade to version 5.1.1 (1117).
During installation, when validating the installation path, I get an error popup: TargetPanel.incompatibleInstallation
If I uninstall my current version of Jaikoz I fear to lose my license…
What can I do ?

Hi, please try installing to a different location and see if that works, but your license is not placed in the same location as where you install Jaikoz anyway so your license will not get lost.

Thanks for your help.
I have installed the 5.1.1 version aside the 4.6.3 one: it works :slight_smile: and my license has been kept… nice :smiley:
Can I safely uninstall the 4.6.3 version of Jailoz now ?

Yes, well I mot sure there is an uninstaller for 4.6.3 but just delete the folder that is all you need to do.