SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Tagging with "()"


i want to tagg my genres with the syntax like this: “House (Classics Vocal)” (without quotes).

But everytime i close and reopen Jaikoz, the word within () are in a second row. And Itunes only read the first row. I need this really for my DJing software.

Can you tell me how I can do this?

Brackets are used by ID3 to identify genres, use a character other than brackets and it will work as expected. For example you could use curly braces
such as House{Classic Vocal}

Thank you for the fast response.
But i did it completly without any brackets.
But now, i have another problem:
If i open the files in Itunes, the tags appears in brackets.
It seems, that Jaikoz add the brackets if the genres has more than one word!
Any tagging program i’ve used shows this bracktets, but jaikoz doesn’t.
Could you explain this behaviour to me? Or better, can you fixe it in the nexyt relase?

Kind Regards


Hi I cant replicate this problem. Could you show me the screenshots of how its looks in Jaikoz and iTunes, together with what version of ID3 the file is saved to. Even better would be if you could email me the problem file and Ill take a further look.