SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Synology Docker - Remove empty folder and Artist Name

Sorry for my bad English.
Just purchased SongKong Pro and loving it so far, I am using it with Docker in my Synology NAS.

I have two questions as of now:

1.) How can I remove the empty folder automatically after moving to a new folder? I couldn’t find the setting anywhere (am using Synology Dock), it is too troublesome and inconvient to check each folder to see if it is empty or not and remove it manually. Please point to the right direction.

2.) When renaming the folder with artist name, what can I do to make it using Japanese artist name instead of English artist name?
For example: Japanese artist renamed as “???”, not “Akiakane”

  1. It should automatically remove empty folder but I have recently noticed this, I think there is a bug somewhere that needs fixing.

  2. Is it also using English name in the Artist field, if so you need to uncheck the Format:Romanize non-Latin script artist names wherever possible and rerun.

Thank you so much for your fast replay.
Please see my reply below:

  1. Thank you for your update. Do you know when this will be fixed?

  2. I will give it a try your instruction. The artist name of the folder should be extract from the Metadata, then how can i make sure the artist field will be input in Japanese? Should I also choose preferred album version to “Japan”

No, sorry not yet I havent quite worked out the cause of the issue because usually it works okay, but we release new updates very regularly

2. I will give it a try your instruction. The artist name of the folder should be extract from the Metadata, then how can i make sure the artist field will be input in Japanese? Should I also choose preferred album version to “Japan”[/quote]
If the songs have been matched to MusicBrainz then SongKong will actually identify an artist as an entity, that means we have access to their name variations. However you are correct, unchecking the option will prevent name being modified to English from Japanese, but if shown as English on the release then it will not be changed to Japanese.

I need to implement the following improvement -

For now if your artist names are already correct you could just add Artist and AlbumArtist to the list of fields to Only modify if Empty.