SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Syncing itunes mp3 to discogs Genre (Genre): Electronic (Style) : Downtempo

In discogs the genre list is normally labelled a Genre and then maybe a style. Basically I have an album like; Thievery Corporation ?? The Mirror Conspiracy which has a description of…

Genre: Electronic
Style: Downtempo

is this possible to include this in the SongKong Genre list, I would like to break down the genre and style into one field so I can search for music which describes a feeling of an album as well as the genre.



Yes, the Jthink music database includes the Discogs styles and genres, and SongKong uses these. You can configure exactly how you use genres and styles in the Genres tab, but on the Basic tab you also need to enable Update Genres.