SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Synchronization problems between View & Edit panes

I’m using Jaikoz 1.9 with Java 1.5.11.

I loaded an Artist folder that contains 3 Album sub-dirs. I turned on all View options (Tag Browser plus View Page) and all options to synchronize views are active.

I’ve selected non-default columns to view, including “Length”, and I’ve sorted by Length so that non-missing Lengths are at the top of the Edit view. When I select a non-missing Length cell and click CTL+D to delete the Length tag, Jaikoz automatically re-sorts the Length col.

But this re-sort is not working properly – it does not consistently sort the non-missing back to the top, plus it does not stay synchronized with the View Pane.

But this re-sort is not working properly – it does not consistently sort the non-missing back to the top, plus it does not stay synchronized with the View Pane.[/quote]

Ok, the main problem is if you have a column sorted and then edit fields in that same column, that view will be automatically resorted, but the corresponding view pane if displayed will not be resorted, you have to physically click on the edit column header to sort it for them to be resynchronized. This is a known problem it ONLY occurs when editing values in the sorted column.

I am undecided on how I want to fix it, because the automatic resorting of the column that you are editing can be annoying because if you make an edit to a field it may immediately disappear from view as the column is resorted. So I cant decide whether to remove this functionality or just fix the synchronization of the sorting, what do you think ?

As for the length column not being sorted consistently, Im not sure what you mean by this, can you give an example of expected versus actual behaviour please.

[quote=paultaylor]So I cant decide whether to remove this functionality or just fix the synchronization of the sorting, what do you think ?

As for the length column not being sorted consistently, Im not sure what you mean by this, can you give an example of expected versus actual behaviour please.[/quote]

I’d lean towards removing the automatic re-sort in the Edit field, when editing a sorted value. I personally could do without rows jumping around while I’m making changes.

As far as the consistency, I just saw rows getting out of synch between the View & Edit panes, but not always in the same way. I’ve tried to reproduce this. One thing I noticed is that if I have “Length” sorted, then close all files, then open a new folder … again only the “Edit” pane is sorted still by Length. Again the View pane is out of synch.

I also took a series of screen shots that I’ll email rather than paste in here.

As far as the consistency, I just saw rows getting out of synch between the View & Edit panes, but not always in the same way. I’ve tried to reproduce this. One thing I noticed is that if I have “Length” sorted, then close all files, then open a new folder … again only the “Edit” pane is sorted still by Length. Again the View pane is out of synch.

I also took a series of screen shots that I’ll email rather than paste in here.[/quote]

Hi, if you both view displaying (view and edit) and have a column sorted and then open some files then only the view which has a sort selected will be sorted. This is the same problem as discussed earlier, that the sync sorting is only syncing when the user clicks to sort, not when the data is already sorted and then modified.

The length field is actually sorted consistently although it might not look like it. When two fields are the same (i.e blank) then they are sorted by record number so that records with the lower record will come first in the list. That is why record 31 is added to the end of the list, record 6 is added to the start, and record 9 to the middle.

One more suggestion for synchronization between these two panes: When a user “Pack” a column (all or just selected) then adjust the same column widths in the other pane. That’d make it even easier to compare data between panes.