SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Submitting multi Disc to MusicBrainz goes totally wrong in Jaikoz 5.2.0

submitting a multi disc to MusicBainz - in this case a 4 disc release - is inserted in MusicBrainz totally wrong. In MusicBrainz on the first disc there is only one title inserted, the second disc is correct, the third disc is correct, but on the fourth disc only the first title is correct, the other titles are the titles form disc 1 and from disc 4 with totally wrong play length. Both disc 1 and disc 4 have 20 titles. See the attached file.

Another issue for multi disc releases is, that I can’t sort the tracks in the right order As example Disc No 1, Track 1; Disc No 1, Track 2, Disc No 1, Track 3, … Disc No 2, Track 1, Disc No 2, Track 2, Disc No 2, Track 3 …
If I sort for Disc No, the tracks are in undefined order. If I sort for Track, then the Disc No are wrong. And most of the time, when I submit a multi disc to MusicBrainz, Jaikoz complains about, that a track is missing.
I don’t know how I did it, that sometimes a multi disc could be sent to MusicBrainz.

But I know in earlier versions of Jaikoz, you sorted the disc No and tracks in the right order before submitting to MusicBrainz. It seems to me unfortunalty not in Jaikoz 5.2.0

Up :frowning:

I not aware of anything in Jaikoz 5.2.0 regardng this, I’m sorry Ive been busy helping with the new Musicbrainz release and some other important stuff so I haven’t yet had a chance to look at this further.

This exact thing has happened to me in previous versions every once in a while. It seems that the trackno/discno gets messed up in translation from Jaikoz to MB, so MB starts to consolidate multiple tracks into one. If you look at disc four in the Alfg’s submittal, it “stole” tracks from disc one and concatenated them to disk four tracks. The time, track 12/04 for example, is 61:59:14. What this really should be (I didn’t look it up, just guessing from experience):
12/01 Diese Nacht soll nie enden 6:15
12/04 Brennendes Herz 9:14

:oops: I know, not much help here, but I wanted to confirm this and that it’s not just a 520 thing.

Sorting before submitting is unnecessary. I leave my files in the same order as they loaded - usually alphabetically - and MB will arrange them according to trackno.

thanks, that you add the confirmation.
But the issue seems not so serious like I thought before, because after several tries another day/started Jaikoz again a.s.o., I got the multi disc registered to MusicBrainz.