The original issue was impacting flacs as well. The solution resolved for all formats up until I edited it to add a 3rd custom field. The 3rd field brought the original issue back, so I removed the new line, but the issue remained. I will send the entire code I am trying to get to work, maybe that will help or maybe there is a better mask altogether. Thanks Paul!
Fills=12; //2 slash's, 6 for year, 3 for seperation of artist/album
(albumartist.length>0 ? WhichArtist = albumartist : (artist.length>0 ? WhichArtist = artist : WhichArtist = 'noartist'));
(artist.length>0 ? RWhichArtist = artist : (albumartist.length>0 ? RWhichArtist = albumartist : RWhichArtist = 'noartist'));
PreTitle=RWhichArtist.length + WhichArtist.length + album.length + Fills;
ForFileName=PersonalMax - PreTitle;
FullSum=title.length + album.length + WhichArtist.length + 13;
NoAlbumSum=title.length + WhichArtist.length + 10;
TitleTrackSum=title.length + 7;
(TitleTrackSum>ForFileName ? (
\tNewTitle=title.substring(0,(title.length-WhatToCut)) + '...'
\t) : (
\t\tNoAlbumSum>ForFileName ? (
\t\tNewArtist=WhichArtist.substring(0,(WhichArtist.length-WhatToCut)) + '...',
\t\tNewTitle=title + ' - '
\t\t) : (
\t\t\tFullSum>ForFileName ? (
\t\t\tNewAlbum=album.substring(0,(album.length-WhatToCut)) + '...',
\t\t\tNewArtist=WhichArtist + ' - ',
\t\t\tNewTitle=title + ' - '
\t\t\t) : (
\t\t\t\tNewArtist=WhichArtist + ' - ',
\t\t\t\tNewTitle=title + ' - ')
(albumartist.length>0 ? albumartist + folderseparator :(artist.length>0 ? artist + folderseparator : ''))
+ (custom1.replace('English','').replace('Songs-DB-Custom1','').length>0 ? custom1.replace('English','').replace('Songs-DB-Custom1','') + '-' :'')
+ (album.length>0 ? album :'')
+ (' [' + (year.length>0 ? year + '-' : ''))
+ (custom2.replace('English','').replace('Songs-DB-Custom2','').length>0 ? custom2.replace('English','').replace('Songs-DB-Custom2','') + '-' :'')
+ (custom3.replace('English','').replace('Songs-DB-Custom3','').length>0 ? custom3.replace('English','').replace('Songs-DB-Custom3','') + '-' :'')
+ (label.length>0 ? label + '-' :'')
+ (catalogno.length>0 ? catalogno + ']' + folderseparator :'')