SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Strange things happen with folder-renaming

Sorry - can’t fix this on jaikoz 4.51:

I want to have my files just grouped by the artist, and if there is no one, I use a folder called "ToCheck". I use this code both for compilations and original albums.

(albumartist.length>0 ? albumartist +folderseparator :(artist.length>0 ? artist +folderseperator :‘ToCheck’))

For albums it works fine, but if it is a compilation and there is no value in the field albumartist, the subfolder will not be updated from the tags.

Furthermore, there might be an issue with � and � and �, but i am not sure. Replacing them with "from" "to" simply is ignored withing the foldernames (in filenames they will be changed …)

What did I do wrong? Well, working with computers for decades, but no chance to understand this javascript-syntax …

Thanks for help!!