SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Sorting troubles V 3.2.1

Sorry to jump on the bandwagon of issues, but this is a very frustrating issue for usability. It used to be that when you sorted by album, the secondary sorting was done by track#, making it easy to sort and organize that. Now it sorts alphabetically by track title as the sort within album, which is not useful at all.

Hmm, not an intentional change. Songs werent really sorted by album and then track no, I think the track no bit was just a side effect of the order they were loaded into Jaikoz. In the latest release the loading has been parallised whereas before it only used one processor and I think that this must be causing the problem.

Yes, files are loaded based on their subfolder/filename. So only if you have your filenames labelled as album-trackno-title then they would be loaded by track no.

Because file loading is parallelised the files are not neccarily added in the order they are listed so this no longer holds, Im going to see if I can improve this whilst preserving the concurrency.

EDIT:Fixed in dev for next release

Fixed in 3.2.2

That was fast! Thank you so much for the quick support:)

UPDATE: Not fixed, just added a bunch of music, clicked to sort by album. Still doing alphabetical title as the secondary sort.

No you’ve misunderstood, the default sorting was by filename (it never sorted by album/track no that was just a concidence) but this was broken in 3.2.1 . It is now fixed that songs are loaded by filename (sort by record no) which in many cases means they are sorted by album/track no, depending on how your filename is named.