SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Sort Artist not always set by Remote Autocorrect from MusicBrainz

It seems to skip a couple of the later tracks of an album.
It seems to set everything else, just not that field.

It sets it for most records, but not all? I need a real example to investigate this can you give me the Music Brainz Unique Id for one file in the release that is ok, and one that is not.

I have this problem as well, but I can’t remember the last time Remote Correct->Manual Correct Tags from MusicBrainz set the Sort Artist field. I always seem to be filling it in myself.

Here’s the MBID (TrackID) for a track for which Jaikoz 2.4.0beta2/Linux did not set the Sort Artist with manual correct:

A workaround for users for the time being is to follow up a Remote Correct->Manual Correct Tags from MusicBrainz with a Remote Correct->Update Tags from Existing MusicBrainz Id, which does set the Sort Artist field.

Ok, found the problem. if using autocorrect or manual correct and the track that is selected was retrieved using a meta match it does not have the sort-name information, if it was retrieved based on its puid it does have the sort name information -this is a bug in the XML Musicbrainz Service provided by Musicbrainz. If doing update track from musicbrainz id it always get the sort-name.

I can easily workround this problem but it it means making additional calls to Musicbrainz slowing down matching so Im going to hold off until I have a better solution.