SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

SongKong Library - Please Review My Status Report

Here’s my status report.

Interestingly, I have about 39000 tracks, but the report only seems to have analyzed about 26000 of them. Not sure why. It started working on the report when the Completion bar was only about 2/3 of the way across. Running on Synology / Docker.

Support files pointed to this topic!


Hi, there are some errors on the Warning tab that is why not all songs were processed

and in the log we see

insert into SongDiff (diff, recNo) values (?, ?) [23505-199]
	at org.h2.message.DbException.getJdbcSQLException(
	at org.h2.message.DbException.getJdbcSQLException(
	at org.h2.message.DbException.get(
	at org.h2.message.DbException.get(
	at org.h2.mvstore.db.MVPrimaryIndex.add(
	at org.h2.mvstore.db.MVTable.addRow(
	at org.h2.command.dml.Insert.insertRows(
	at org.h2.command.dml.Insert.update(
	at org.h2.command.CommandContainer.update(
	at org.h2.command.Command.executeUpdate(
	at org.h2.jdbc.JdbcPreparedStatement.executeUpdateInternal(
	at org.h2.jdbc.JdbcPreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
	at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewProxyPreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
	at org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.ResultSetReturnImpl.executeUpdate(

It seems somehow it is trying to use the same id for a song, are you running two invocations of SongKong or something or I wonder if it is hittong some sort of Docker restrction.

I will review the status report I have but if you could try and rerun it and select all fields in the Show these fields in the Status Report option that would be helpful.

Because of the errors encountered running SongKong the barcharts are wrong, they have been calculated agianst the total library (39,000) rather than the processed songs (27,000)
The actual figures are that basic metadata is good with Artist, Album, Title and Track No at 99%
But Album Artist is only at 72% indicating an issue, these appear to be mainly the albums not matched to MusicBrainz

55% of songs have been matched to MusicBrainz but only 3% of songs have a SongKong Id indicating the matching was done by another application such as MusicBrainz Picard.

We can see the albums not matched by selecting Browse then Browse by Artist/Album, and setting the Matched to Album Filter and select With Full Album Match. So the first step would be to run Fix Songs against your music collection, it can be run in Preview mode first to ensure you are happy with the results.

The file structure looks okay with folder representing albums but there are many albums not matched to MusicBrainz, the Folder structure should not be modified at this point it should only be modified once the metadata has improved.

For the albums already matched to MusicBrainz there are some albums that have been matched incompletely, there are fifty artists that have albums that have not been matched, these are usually worth investigating. Select Matched, then Matched to MusicBrainz and set the Matched to Album filter to Without Full Album Match to see them. Further investigation shows that there are different issues, here we just show a few examples

Incorrect Version of Album match

  • /music/flac/2023Q3/2023-12-12/Aaliyah has been incorrectly matched to the DVD version of the album, this can be fixed by using Match to One Album
  • /music/flac/Rock- Folk-Rock/Bob Dylan/John Wesley Hardin has been incorrectly matched to the Hybrid SACD version of the album, this can be fixed by using Match to One Album

Either Missing Tracks on your system or version with your tracklisting not available online

  • /music/flac/Jazz- Vocal/Betty Carter folderfolder is missing track 14
  • /music/flac/Rock- Folk-Rock/Dar Williams/The Honesty Room is missing track 12 and 13

Missing Discs on your system

  • /music/flac/2024Q2/2024-05-14/2Pac/Greatest Hits, 1 disc from 2
  • /music/flac/2024Q1/2024-03-27/Claude Debussy; Pierre Boulez, folder, 3 Discs from 5

Matched to multiple versions of release

There is one Discogs album where the complete album has not been matched, these are usually worth investigating. Select Matched, then Matched to Discogs and set the Matched to Album filter to Without Full Album Match to see them. Further investigation shows that

  • /music/flac/Artist/Roy Haynes/Hip Ensemble folder is missing Track 7

Ok, this is incredibly helpful. Thank you.

I did a bunch of work today on a number of unmatched albums, and I just reran the status report on the full library and then uploaded support files (they should have just been sent.

One process / workflow question - once you’ve run fix songs (or rename) in preview, is there any way to “execute the changes” or do you have to go back and run again not in preview? I have been going through and fixing albums progressively, and once I’m done I hate to have to go back and “do it again” because it does take some amount of time, and presumably we’ve already figured out what exactly to do. But maybe I’m oversimplifying!

I have a few questions that have come up as specifics:

  1. I went through the folder 2023Q3 and I think I’ve managed to match everything except for one single album (see 2 below). Is there any way to run rename files on all except that album? It looks like 3 of the tracks are matched (though I can’t see to what), and I don’t want to separate the tracks. But I’d like to make some progress moving things over without getting stuck.

  2. When I try to match to one album for this release: I keep getting the error “Unable to find a valid mapping for release 7025147”. I don’t think it’s in MusicBrainz - I can’t find it after a lot of trying. It’s on Amazon but that’s about all I can find, and the CD is long buried in my attic. I could create a MusicBrainz release in order to be done with it, but that feels a little crazy if I can avoid it. Is the Discogs release just too skeletal? FWIW, this album is in “/music/flac/2023Q3/2023-08-25/Mozart - Artur Rubinstein , Wa” and I’m fairly certain that’s the right release.

  3. Is there a way to rename files that aren’t matched? If, for instance, I can’t get this Rubinstein one to match, is there a way to force it to use the metadata I have or manual metadata to run the same filename mask?

Many many thanks!

Hi, so no you cannot do that currently.

The history of this is my other tagger Jaikoz does work like this, all the changes are made in preview and then you save changes as you wish, but I was finding that customers were not checking results before saving, and then if there was an issue it was only discovered when they were playing back the music.

So I took a different approach with SongKong, the chnages are made as they go along, this is also useful when matchin large collections because if anything goes wrong the stuff already processed is already saved, and because not all stored in memory the memory reuirements are low compared to Jaikoz. And because the changes are also stored in database you can use Undo Fixes task to revert the chnages at a later date

So as I said it wasnt part of the original design, and also it was expected that customers would do collection in one go not one album at a time (if that is what you mean by progressively), and also once we display report we just have a standalone html report it is not intended to deal with further requests.

But thinking about it a bit more I supose we could add a Apply Preview task that takes any preview task (Fix Songs/MetaGrater ecetera) and apply the changes as recorded in the database so I will look into this idea further because you are not the first to ask for this.

I went through the folder 2023Q3 and I think I’ve managed to match everything except for one single album (see 2 below). Is there any way to run rename files on all except that album?

If Rename Files Based on Metadata is set to Yes, if matched to Release then only renamed if matched to a Discogs or Musicbrainz release so if this one is not it will not be renamed.

When I try to match to one album for this release:
Have you tried
Using Match To One Album and specifying the url in the Enter MusicBrainz url or Discogs url… field and then enabling the Force allow low scoring match (this field is only enabled if have entered a url)

Yes, set Rename Files Based on Metadata to Yes, for all files - but this can be a dangerous option so use carefully.

I will look at this tomorrow.

So use Browse by Folder and navigate to the folder, and as you say three are matched, But they are matched song only, we have identified the song but not identified an album that works for all six songs, remember a song can be on multiple albums

But select a song

And select the MB Recording Id field

and you can see the album this song is found on. It is on two different albums but neither seems to match the album you have.

I couldnt see Match to One Album in the latest support files, maybe you ran it later but try using Match To One Album and specifying the Discogs url in the Enter MusicBrainz url or Discogs url… field and then enabling the Force allow low scoring match (this field is only enabled if have entered a url).

If it still doesnt allow match the most likely culprit is a big difference in the length of at least one of the tracks and the track times recorded in the Disocgs release.

If it still fails please rerun Create Support Files

I had a look at your complete Status report, the problems are still the same there are just more examples and I dont think it changes my advice