Hey guys, I recently made the dive and purchased SongKong. I’ve since finished my first scan which took a little over 5 hours to complete matching nearly 28k songs out of 33k.
I am trying to get my iTunes library as accurate as possible to match as much music as possible to minimize unmatched songs that will have to be subsequently uploaded, whilst attempting to keep iTunes compliant file name structure.
My questions are:
Is there a settings template for the best (most accurate) for SongKong for iTunes/iTunes Match compatibility/compliance?
What type of filename and folder structure does iTunes use and should I stick with that structure?
Is it wise to rename the filename/folder structure, and if so what is the best filename/folder structure to use?
I currently have both “Keep iTunes organized” and copy files to iTunes when adding to library" unchecked as I’ve read it isn’t compatible with SongKong or Jaikoz. If you change the filename/folder structure will it undo/revert all the changes made if you check these boxes and consolidate/reorganize the library via iTunes>file>library>organize library.
My end goal if possible is accurately updating/modifying all my meta data, and then re-checking the “keep iTunes organized” and copy files to iTunes when adding to library" to prevent future discrepancies. Then, starting the iTunes Match process, and then updating it to Apple Music.
Last but not least, I heard that Apple music could reverse everything that has been done, and thoughts and/or articles to point me toward?