SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

SongKong 2025: WishList

Last year we managed to do three of the top four tasks in the poll:

  • Match Albums for bandcamp
  • Live MusicBrainz Search in Match One Album
  • Add Scripter Task

and also

  • Add Convert Bad ID3 Encoding task

But we failed to do Support for Pdf booklets, we did look into it using MusicBrainz as a source but although MusicBrainz supports pdf most editors dont add them, we will look again and see if we can use the Internet Archive instead

So for 2025 we have a new list and some new ideas, please vote it really helps, what major feature/improvement would you most like to see in SongKong?

We have made a list of ideas I have but if your top requirement is not listed please post a reply.

  • Add support for Custom Metadata fields
  • Add Steps task that lets you run multiple tasks in one go, each step has its own report
  • Add Reply Gain task
  • Add Submit Album to MusicBrainz
  • Add support for MusicBrainz Genres
  • Add Create MinimServer Artist Index task so can add artwork to MinimServer index without having to add to music files
  • Add Empty Folder Deleter task
  • Add Match Albums from Beatport task, good for dance music
  • Add Consistency Fixer task would so things such as artist disambuguation if have two different artists with same name
  • Support for Pdf booklets, most useful for Classical Music
  • Implement Dark Mode for WebUI and reports
  • Support for other audio formats (e.g .ape)
  • More advanced editing added to Manual Edit task such and Find and Replace as Capitalization
  • Implement Field locking so cant be modified at song level
  • Add SongKong to Apple app store
  • Add support for reading artist photos from Discogs
  • Add native qnap installers instead of using docker
  • Add native synology installers instead of using docker

0 voters

Unfortunately, the data in the music databases (e.g. Musicbrainz) is often incomplete (typical examples: “Work,” “Overall Work,”…) or not suitable (e.g. composer as “album artist”). Therefore, manual editing is always required. I currently have to use a second editing tool for this.
My wishes therefore concern the topic of “editing options” in the “Manual Edit” task:
• Copy/paste individual rows
• Copy and paste columns: entire column or block by block (from row “n”/to row “n”)
• Copy individual cell contents
• Adjustment of column width
• Show/hide columns
• Adjustment of column order
• Export/import as a “CSV” file - for example for editing in a spreadsheet program
• Option to call up “Tasks” using a shortcut

Best regards, Klaus.

No problem with improving manual editing, just a case of having enough time and priorities.

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I know and understand this well, as the person responsible for IT in a large company.

Kind regards, Klaus

I clicked on the first answer that matched my expectations, and saw it was to late for chosing another at it was not a multiple-choice survey :slight_smile:
So, adding:

  • remove empty folder task (yet I’m now using a PowerShell script for that), but I guess it could be a “quick win”
  • Support for MusicBrainz genres