SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

SongKong 10.5 Star released 9th April 2024

We have a new release of SongKong with some improvements to Match to One Album plus some other fixes and improvements.


Match to One Album Improvements

New Options

This task now has two new options:

Force Allow low scoring match is only enabled if you have entered a url into the Enter MusicBrainz Url or Discogs Url if you want to match to a particular release option. It disables some checks usually made by SongKong to ensure a good match. This option is useful for those cases where SongKong will not allow the match but you would like to force the match, SongKong still has to be able to map the files in a sensible way to allow the match.

If enable Skip Edit Stage then after selecting a release SongKong will go straight to saving the changes rather than taking you to the Edit stage first.

Command Line
We have now added Match to One Album to the command line, but it can only be used if a MusicBrainz or Discogs url is provided because the command line is not for interactive use, Web UI can be used if you want interactive use. To make it easier to provide the option directly on the command line rather than via modifying profile files we have also provided a general purpose mechanism for overriding an option in the profile for any of the tasks

So in the example below we use -c to run the Match to One Songs task and use -o musicbrainzOrDiscogsId=url to specify the id to match to

songkong  -c "E:\Music Test\David Guetta\guetta blaster" -o musicbrainzOrDiscogsId=

could give output

debuglogfile is:C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Roaming\SongKong\Logs/songkong_debug%u-%g.log
userlogfile is:C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Roaming\SongKong\Logs/songkong_user%u-%g.log
Using Current
Override Option musicbrainzOrDiscogsId=
Start match to one album (preview only)
Songs loaded 12:Fingerprinted 13: MusicBrainz 12: Discogs 12: Saved 12
Report Creation 95%
Report Created:C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Roaming\SongKong\Reports\MatchAlbumReport00173\MatchAlbumReport00173.html
Songs loaded:12
Songs saved (if not preview):12
Songs renamed (if not preview):0
Errors and Warnings:0

Process finished with exit code 0

Override Options
For any task you can override the value in the selected profile (or default value if not in profile) with a command line option by using the form -o optionName=optionValue

This is an advanced option probably only of use to advanced users. To find out the name and valid values of an option the best solution is to modify the value in the UI and then examine what has changed in the underlying profile properties file

Remote UI Multiple Folder Selection

We can now select multiple folders using the Remote UI

If you select a single folder it is now shown in the folder field surrounded by double quotes

You can then select additional folders by holding down Shift key and clicking on the last folder to select, then all folders are added

Or you can additional folders by holding down Control key (on Windows), or Command key (on MacOS) and clicking on each folder to select

All Fixes and Improvements


SONGKONG-2537 Remove icon labels from macOS because main window getting too large now we have more tasks

SONGKONG-2569 Option to skip edit part of Match To One Album go straight to save after selecting an album match

SONGKONG-2570 From command line allow override of option

SONGKONG-2581 Match One album when matching particular Id allow force match

SONGKONG-2587 Add Match to One Album to command line when user specifies the discogs/mb release id.


SONGKONG-2332 Unable to select multiple folders using remote ui

SONGKONG-2578 When matching to Discogs not picking up Piano performers

SONGKONG-2580 If Discogs track has track and release performers only the release performers get saved

SONGKONG-2584 Issue with shortening Renamed Files

SONGKONG-2585 On Linux Fpcalc Incorrectly Misidentifying arm64 platform as Intel64 platform

SONGKONG-2586 MusicBrainzUpdateSong.checkDuplicateValues throwing error when missing associated sort field

SONGKONG-2588 Delete Duplicates should ignore Move Duplicates folder if subfolder of folder being scanned

SONGKONG-2590 When Save Fails only writes reason to logs not to Errors page of report


Selecting multiple folders works fine now. Thanks for implementing

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