SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Something wrong with Filters - Filter MusicBrainz Unique Ids ? Jaikoz NGS

The Filters -> Filter MusicBrainz Unique Ids -> MusicBrainz Unique Id does not exist is not working for me. With the Filter on, it shows rows where the MusicBrainz Unique Ids exists. (See attached file)
And when I click on Filters -> Filter MusicBrainz Unique Ids -> MusicBrainz Unique Id exists, Jaikoz shows me only two rows where about 4000 songs have a Unique Id (from about 4800 songs loaded).
About the same behavior is with Filter AmpliFIND Acoustic Ids

The Filter were working correct in Jaikoz 3.11

PS: I can’t attach a file. It always gives me the error:
type Exception
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.



note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/5.0.27 logs.

I send this file direct to you !!

PS.: Shut down Jaikoz, starting Jaikoz again and loading another set of songs the Filter works again. That’s the same strange behavior as with the shortcuts (Cntrl+L, Cntrl+U)

Ive logged the error for further investigation but havent managed to replicate the problem yet.

This issue was repoted earlier and the solution was: use Cntrl+Shift+T and a second time Cntrl+Shift+T and most of the times Cntrl+L or Cntrl+U worked correct again.

Ps.: I think some pointers are jumping around in Jaikoz :mrgreen: