SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Some comments not showing up in jaikoz

Every once in a while I run across this strange issue. I will see a particular album show up in multiple taggers and players with some comments. Typically something like Tagged with… or Tagged by…, yet when I go into jaikoz there is nothing within the comments column or even any of the columns that match that. I currently have my views set to show all fields.

I typically go in and clear out all the extra garbage that people or companies may put in the id3 tags, so it is strange that there would even be text showing up in other programs. Being that this is probably not the best description nor the most to go off of, I will send you one of the files.

Have you seen this before, or have any ideas?

I have now sent an example mp3 to


Hi, its coming from a Lyrics3 tag, which was a standard created by Winamp to allow you to add lyrics to an mp3 file that was created for use with ID3v1, it has since been superceded with ID3v2 which has its own lyrics fields.

Jaikoz currently does nothing with these tags, I guess it would be useful if you could at least delete them.

Ahh, I see. Good to know where it is coming from. Thanks for looking into it. Yeah, I agree it would be pointless supporting an old standard, but would be very nice to be able to remove them from the files to keep everything on an updated standard. Even if it was something like an option to clear out anything contained in the non id3v2 fields.