SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

SOLVED! Occasional albums doesn't correct subfolder or filenames as requested!

For about 1 of every 15 - 50 albums/folders I process with Jaikoz 3.5.1 the correct subfolder or filename doesn’t follow the renaming scheme as wished - instead it renames to “artist\album\filename”, with a filename syntax I have not asked for… It should be renamed to “artist - album\tracknumber - trackname”.

Files are located on local computer, and all ownership/file permissions are the same for the “trouble albums” as the others - so this is not the issue. Tag&Rename have no problems correcting these albums, so this must be a bug in Jaikoz?

[quote=netphreak]For about 1 of every 15 - 50 albums/folders I process with Jaikoz 3.5.1 the correct subfolder or filename doesn’t follow the renaming scheme as wished - instead it renames to “artist\album\filename”, with a filename syntax I have not asked for… It should be renamed to “artist - album\tracknumber - trackname”.

Files are located on local computer, and all ownership/file permissions are the same for the “trouble albums” as the others - so this is not the issue. Tag&Rename have no problems correcting these albums, so this must be a bug in Jaikoz?[/quote]

do you have a different rename mask for compilations? Sometimes MusicBrainz has the Is Compilation flag set when it shouldn’t be, and so Jaikoz uses the compilation mask instead.

Man, that’s it! Thank you so much, helps a lot! :slight_smile:

Conclusion: Not a Jaikoz bug :slight_smile: