SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Small enhancements

Great tool! Just started using it and find it very useful.

Here is a list of enhancements based on few hours of use.

1.) Hide duplicates to be deleted
It would be useful to be able hide the dublicates to be deleted from the edit table after they have been reviewed using the filter. As workaround Excel can be used, but…

2.) File naming order
It would be useful that Jaikoz had the intelligence to rename files in the quality order in case of dublicates. Currently if file is a duplicate, it’s is named based on order of appearance. For example: title_low_quality.mp3; title_good_quality(1).mp3; title_excellent_quality(2).mp3 should be title_low_quality(2).mp3; title_good_quality(1).mp3; title_excellent_quality.mp3 - this is the file to be saved and obvuosly with a “right description”

3.) Multiple sorting orders
It would be useful to have multiple sorting orders. For example: sort first using artist, secondly album and third track number. As workaround Excel can be used, but…

4.) Copy artwork
It would be useful if Jaikoz would copy the artwork from a title in the same album to all titles in case they are not otherwise available. As workaround this can be done manually, but in large collections…

5.) Better information why music files are ignored
It would be useful to have better information why music files are ignored - there apears to be no problems with file, for some reason Jaikoz ignores them. If Jaikoz could give some indications what could be the potential problem that would be very useful. For example: sometimes I get errors “not identified as music” or “there was not actually any image data - so the image has not been loaded”. It would be enough if main reasons would be documented in help file, but obviously a tool to fix it would be better. The music files are ok, well, at least you hear the music when you play them.

6.) Report of ignored files with applicable extensions
It would be useful to have a report of files that were ignored in the selected folders. Currently you see only a (potentially) selection of files in the console.

7.) There should be better selection of remote actions. This is particularly useful in case of collections. There should be an ability to remote correct selected tags, for example, just artist, year, genre and title - and exclude for example album and track number.

8.) Auto-correction templates
It would be really useful to make many “auto-correction” templates that can be used in different scenarios

Seconding the Autocorrect templates! I have a number of hideously complex algorithms that I’d love to share (& maybe save some other folks time), but insofar as I’m aware, there’s no way to export these from the Preferences dialog…

I’d be happy to set up a site where users could upload their Autocorrect routines, if the developer doesn’t want to do it. But we’d need to figure out how to export the data first.

[quote=spats]Seconding the Autocorrect templates! I have a number of hideously complex algorithms that I’d love to share (& maybe save some other folks time), but insofar as I’m aware, there’s no way to export these from the Preferences dialog…
I’d me interested in seeing a couple of these templates because Ive generally found that most users only setup one template which is used all the time and even if it was easy to setup and store multiple templates Im not sure how useful it would be.

I’m moving towards simplifying the interface a little, but improving the search intelligence behind the scenes to deal with more awkward situations automatically.

Is it just duplicates your interested in, or any file marked for deletion. I could add a Deleted Filter, but why not sort by status and save changes to the files marked for deletion which will actually delete them and remove them.

Dont understand this, Jaikoz deletes the lowest quality file, and after deltion why would you want to rename the remaining file with an indication of its quality.

Yes, theres a technical issue preventing me from doing this at the moment - but does need doing.

Yep, could be useful.

To be fair most applications don’t bother telling you there is a problem at all, I think trying to explain further would confuse most users and sometimes there is no way to fix the issue.

But your folders could contain loads of no music files, such as text files,images and playlists, do you want to see these all listed as not being openable.

Could do this either by only having autocorrect only modify the fields selected, but currently you can just select any field of a track and run Remote Correct ovr the whole track, so could get fiddly.

But it would be better if Jaikoz could handle these scenarios itself, what different scenarios do you have ?

You’re right. All the files marked for deletion should be hidden. The sorting is cumbersome as this would have to be repeated many times as I at least process the songs by albums. Usually I load some 4-500 songs at the time.

Actually I wouldn’t want to use the quality description as part of naming, but remove the numbers at the end of file name. This happens if you have the same song three times:

  • song.mp3
  • song(1).mp3
  • song(2).mp3
    So I would want the number away in case best quality song is for example song(2).mp3

Well, you seem to have very good understanding of the problems related to files. This is kind of sharing of your knowledge. Short descriptions would be really useful to determine if the problems are easy to fix. I agree that most apps really don’t tell anything, but that’s one reason why I chose Jaikoz - it’s better, well best…

Primary interest are the music files. Perharps it could be an option to include others as well. Currently I use combination of log files and directory browsing.

My scenarios are quite simple. I have three steps in my process;
1.) Basic processing (unattended) - I process local corrects, retrieve acoustic ids, correct tags from musicbrainz, correct lyrics and update Discogs tags - and save files. I do this for a batch of 4-6000 songs at time. With my old PC this takes a whole day…
2.) Manual checking and fixing location - I open a batch of 4-500 songs that have gone through basic processing. I manually correct tags and then automatically correct subfolders and filenames and finally save/move to new location.
3.) Maintenance (unattended) - this is something I haven’t started yet. I plan to do this for files that have gone through manual checking and are in the final location. I would want to retrieve the missing acoustic Ids, update selected tags, lyrics, artwork, etc. I would want to do this for the entire collection - perhaps once a quarter.

So basically I would want to make a template for each phase in my process. I personally don’t have any exotic algorithms, word replacers, removers, separators or anything similar.