Great tool! Just started using it and find it very useful.
Here is a list of enhancements based on few hours of use.
1.) Hide duplicates to be deleted
It would be useful to be able hide the dublicates to be deleted from the edit table after they have been reviewed using the filter. As workaround Excel can be used, but…
2.) File naming order
It would be useful that Jaikoz had the intelligence to rename files in the quality order in case of dublicates. Currently if file is a duplicate, it’s is named based on order of appearance. For example: title_low_quality.mp3; title_good_quality(1).mp3; title_excellent_quality(2).mp3 should be title_low_quality(2).mp3; title_good_quality(1).mp3; title_excellent_quality.mp3 - this is the file to be saved and obvuosly with a “right description”
3.) Multiple sorting orders
It would be useful to have multiple sorting orders. For example: sort first using artist, secondly album and third track number. As workaround Excel can be used, but…
4.) Copy artwork
It would be useful if Jaikoz would copy the artwork from a title in the same album to all titles in case they are not otherwise available. As workaround this can be done manually, but in large collections…
5.) Better information why music files are ignored
It would be useful to have better information why music files are ignored - there apears to be no problems with file, for some reason Jaikoz ignores them. If Jaikoz could give some indications what could be the potential problem that would be very useful. For example: sometimes I get errors “not identified as music” or “there was not actually any image data - so the image has not been loaded”. It would be enough if main reasons would be documented in help file, but obviously a tool to fix it would be better. The music files are ok, well, at least you hear the music when you play them.
6.) Report of ignored files with applicable extensions
It would be useful to have a report of files that were ignored in the selected folders. Currently you see only a (potentially) selection of files in the console.
7.) There should be better selection of remote actions. This is particularly useful in case of collections. There should be an ability to remote correct selected tags, for example, just artist, year, genre and title - and exclude for example album and track number.
8.) Auto-correction templates
It would be really useful to make many “auto-correction” templates that can be used in different scenarios