SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Slow and Klunky

I just purchased Jaikoz using paypal because of some of the user recommendations. However, I’m not finding it that user friendly. The Java interface takes almost 3 minutes to load and processing my labriary of 20K songs almost 30 minutes. Auto correct isn’t correcting genre tags and track tags as it should. Unless Im just missing out on how to use this program did I just waste 22bucks?

HI, Jaikoz can be a bit slow to load - and this is a known issue. But 30 minutes to fix 20,000 songs sound pretty good to me, how long would it take to fix them manually, it is generally expected that you leave jaikoz to fix your songs unattended because no user interaction is required whilst the autocorrecter runs.

Genre support is not as good as other fields because it was added to Musicbrainz later on. But then genres are never going to provide as good results as other fields because there is no ‘Correct genre’, it is very subjective.

Wrt to track matching I would need more information and your support files to follow this up.